Freeze the moment, please

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A year today that I had started at this school and back in I walked as it was the first day of term after the summer once again. I had had such a brilliant time with Rob and the boys. We visited London as part of a video shoot for their new video 'Do What You Like,' which I must admit I did love as they laid down naked at the end. I also spent a lot of time with Rob, shopping, hugging, kissing and just spending time together. But now we're both back at school and it's back to how it used to be. He was waiting on the wall outside my house.

"Haven't seen you in a while missy" he said as he winked and gave me his gorgeous smile.

"I know, feels like years," I hugged him and we laughed. I'd only seen him yesterday.

"So back to school, oh how I can't wait."

"At least you now get to wear your own clothes you lucky bugger." he looked down at me, winking to keep the sun out his eyes but still smiling and laughing. "What?" I asked confused.

"I was just thinking, I'll miss this." He looked up and released his hand slihtly from mine.

"Wait, what do you mean 'miss this'?" I stopped just outside the school. It didn't take long to walk there.

"Well... It's just... the band... we're getting famous and... well Gaz and Nigel want us to tour and... well I couldn't say no could I Em? It's a big oppertunity." I just looked at him for a second and began to walk quickly away. "Em wait up!"

"No Robbie we'll talk about it later." I couldn't turn round as my eyes filled with tears but I needed to hold it in.

7 hours later and school had finished and what a long day it had felt like. However mad I was at Robbie I still waited for him at the gates to walk home. I came out soon after me, his arms out beckoning me for a hug. I fell into his arms, my cheeks streaming with tears.

"I just don't want you to forget us, this... me. I love you and things are just patching up. Rob please just stay here for a moment with me." We stood hugging in silence for about five minutes as I tried to calm myself down. He smelt so gorgeous and his faint breathe and pounding heart relaxed me, I pulled away and took his hand, beginning to walk.

"Em I'm not going to forget you, you're the best thing to happen to me, way above all this Take That stuff I promise you."

"It's just I've never felt so happy to be with someone, I've just generally never been so happy." His hand squeezed tighter.

"Neither have I Em. But I need to go, not just for me but for the boys, I can't let them down now. But I promise, when I'm back we will spend every moment with each other." We had stopped walking and were stood facing each other, hand in hand. He leant foward and put his forehead against mine. "Em I love you, no one else... you." My eyes filled again.

"I love you Rob, no matter what. But I swear if you forget about me and this-"

"I won't. How can I? It's been the best part of my life so far and I'm desparate for more." He kissed me passionately, his soft lips against mine. "Now come on you silly cow, lets get you home." He whispered as he pulled out the kiss, taking me hand again and walking me home. We spent the evning together until I fell asleep on his lap. I never want this to end, ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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