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I'd know Robbie for 2 months now. Every day he walked with me, carried my folders on the way to school, ate lunch with me and we told each other everything. I was finally beginning to settle somewhere. Today was a Saturday and he'd asked me if I wanted to go to an audition with him, but he wouldn't tell me what it was for.

It was 10 in the morning and I heard a knock at the door. I was wearing my jeans again with a grey shirt Robbie had given me and my ankle white converse.

"Bye Nick, bye Linda, I'll see you later." I put my coat on and opened the door.

"Just text us what's happening later." I closed the door before Linda finished what she was saying.

"Ready madame?" Robbie grinned and gestured for me to walm beside him.

"So what's this audition for then Rob?" I was so desparate to know. I'd grown so fond of him over the past month, to be honest I fancied him but didn't want to ruin such a great friendship.

"Well... it's for a boyband. They need one more member and I thought I'd give it a go. You don't think it's stupid do you?" He looked at me worried.

"No I love boybands, it sounds great!" I could see how nervous he was. This time I put my arm around his shoulder. "You have a gorgeous face and gorgeous voice, you'll do fab my friend." He laughed and kissed my hair gently.

"You know what, after my audition, whatever happens, you can come round for dinner. We can go to sainsburys on the way home and I'll treat you to a pizza." We laughed, it was a personal joke of ours.

"Well how about if you pass I'll treat you to the pizza, if not you can treat me." He knew I was joking and smiled.

"You do make me laugh Em, you really do."

20 minutes later I was sat in tbe waiting room as Rob did his audition. I couldn't stop thinking of him. We acted like a couple, but we weren't, it was strange. A boy came and sat next to me, he had bright blonde hair and looked like he'd finished school.

"Hi, I've come to help Nigel with the auditions!"

"Straight throuh there Mr Barlow." He looked at me cofused, "you're a very pretty boy.."

"I'm a girl, my friend is auditioning thank you," I gave him a slight dirty look and then laughed. "It's fine aha, just go through." It had been 10 minutes since Rob went in, oh I hope he gets it. The door opened and he was crying. "Oh Rob I'm so sorry." I stood up and hugged him.

"Don't be sorry Em, I GOT IT!" A huge smile came across his face and he picked me up and spun me round. "I'm going to be huge."

"I'm so happy for you Rob." I kissed him on the cheek, but I felt slightly sad, he was going to forget me wasn't he.

"Don't worry Em, I'll never forget you. Well, esecially if you're my girlfriend." He smirked at me.

"Your girlfriend?" Inside I was smiling.

"Well yeah, basically as we are now, just with the extra bits, you know...  more kissing, out for dinner... sex," he regretted what he said, I could tell.

"In time my boy, in time." He took my hand and walked me out the door, telling me about his audition and how nice they were.

"Tell your 'parents' you're staying at a friends tonight, it'll be like it was at yours, just you can borrow my clothes for the night?" He smiled at me, hoping I'd say yes. Well of course I will.

"Let me think.. yes!" And with that we walked to his, hand in hand ready for our night together.

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