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It's been days since Pandu along with his two wives Kunti and Madri reached Shatashringa Mountain. Pandu for the most part was doing severe penance and also became the favorite of the sages there, but one thing kept troubling him the most. The thought of children. He was so deeply involved in those thoughts that he was startled to see Kunti in front of him.

Pandu smiled at her and gestured her to sit beside him on the rock. Kunti complied and she too looked as if she's trying to figure her thoughts and tell him something. She looked hesitant and kind of scared, Pandu noticed, but he stayed quiet knowing that his wife wants to tell him something.

"You would surely ask me that why I haven't told you about this before, Arya" said Kunti and Pandu merely blinked at her, wondering what she was talking about.

"But Arya, in my heart I used to feel that wishing for a son and becoming a mother would be my selfishness" she added and Pandu frowned hearing her.

"To suffer the curse upon you is my foremost responsibility. That's why I kept quiet, all these days" said Kunti.

"What are you talking about, Kunti?" Pandu asked her.

Kunti looked more hesitant and remained silent for a few seconds, looking down at her fingers that were twiddling with each other on her lap.

She then looked at Pandu and said "Arya, you have to promise me that you would first completely listen to what I have to say without reacting to anything."

Pandu nodded and said "You have my word, Kunti."

"Arya, I...." Kunti trailed off, fearing her husband's reaction, weighing the options if she should tell him or not.

After a moment's silence where her thoughts kept running, she has decided. She has already committed a great sin by leaving her son in the flow of the Ganges. She has to fix these things. Her husband has a right to know the truth. Her son has a right to get the affections of a family. Affections of his mother and father. He has a right to have a bright future. And if she has to face the consequences of her actions, then so be it. 

Wiping a stray tear that she didn't know has escaped her eyes, she looked at Pandu with determination.

"A few years ago, Sage Durvasa has blessed me with a boon. He had given me a mantra by which I could invoke any god and be blessed with a son that possesses his characteristics" Kunti told him.

A smile slowly formed on Pandu's face as he processed what Kunti said while Kunti kept looking at him.

"That is a great news, Kunti! I-" Pandu was exclaiming, but stopped when Kunti said "I didn't finish what I was saying, Arya. Please listen completely to what I say, as you have promised me."

"Yes, yes! Please go on, Kunti" said Pandu.

"One day, I was walking near the shore of river Ganga when I stared at the reflection of the sun on the water of the river. I was so fascinated with the beauty of the sun that without thinking about the consequences of my actions, of what would happen if I use that mantra, I have called Lord Suryanarayan and I didn't realize until it's too late that the purpose of the mantra will be served. There was no other way around" said Kunti.

"That day, I was blessed with a son, as beautiful and as radiant as the sun himself. He was also gifted with a divine armor (divya kavach) and kundal that would protect his life. They have the power to absorb any sorts of weapons, without inflicting injuries to my son. He was the son of Lord Suryanarayan himself" said Kunti, a tear leaving her eye.

Pandu looked at her with wide eyes.

"And I... Not knowing what to do... I left him in a basket filled with lotuses and left the basket in the flow of Ganga river, entrusting his safety to Maata Ganga herself, Arya. I have left my son in a river leaving him to suffer the consequences of my actions. Leaving him to receive the punishment of my fault... My sin... I left my dear son who's my life in a river... Just like that" cried Kunti, tears falling her eyes.

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now