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Ever since killing Hanasur, Isha hasn't muttered a single syllable to Krishna. She closed off and didn't even say a thing to him. She barely spoke to anyone and simply ignored him. She was angry at him, for reasons that she herself wasn't sure of. For the most part, she kept to herself.

It was day two after the death of Hanasur and from what Draupadi told her, the two princesses will be leaving for Panchal in two days. Isha was sitting in the garden by herself, her mind zoned out while the rabbits played around her and the doves drank the water from the fountain.  It was how Arjun and Sahadev found her when Arjun was looking for her. 

Isha was absent mindedly petting a little hare when the two brothers went and stood beside her.

"Sakhi" called Arjun, but Isha was still zoned out, her head filled with what she saw at the forest the other night.

It wasn't until the little hare nipped at her finger did Isha came back to it, her eyes wide and she blinked startled. She then almost jumped out of her skin when she saw two of the six Pandavs standing beside her. 

"Sakha, Rajkumar Sahadev, what are you two doing here?" asked Isha.

Arjun chuckled at her and said "I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that question, Sakhi. What are you doing here, all alone? Everybody are in the common room, enjoying the few days that we have left here and then there's you, isolating yourself from everyone."

Isha frowned and looked down, clearly still feeling upset and the two brothers shared a look. It was Sahadev who spoke next.

"I know that I'm not as close to you as Vasudev or Bhratha Arjun, Devi Meenakshi. But you can still share your thoughts with me. If you're feeling upset about something, it's better to tell someone about it than keeping it to yourself" said Sahadev.

"But..." Isha trailed off, stopping herself from not speaking what's on her mind, thinking that people might start thinking that's she's either bratty or just plainly loosing her mind.

"Whatever it is that you want to say Sakhi, please say it without any hesitation. Neither I nor will my brother judge you" said Arjun, catching on Isha's hesitation.

"We will try to help you to our best" added Sahadev with a smile making Isha look at the two brothers.

"Truth is... I myself am not sure of what I'm upset about" confessed Isha.

Arjun looked at Isha questioningly.

"That night, I'm not sure why I even went to the forest. I think Bhratha Krishna already knew that Hanasur will come with his army, but that might just be my assumption. He kept telling me to follow the light that entire day until that incident happened and when I finally met with you guys and heard his screams..." Isha shuddered thinking about it.

"It was like my worst nightmare. When I rushed towards him, I saw him falling down and I thought Hanasur has actually injured him or killed him. That snapped something in me and then, after everything, he was just fine, acting like nothing happened" said Isha, her eyebrow twitching in anger.

Arjun remained silent hearing that while Sahadev chuckled hearing it.

"Devi it looks like seeing Vasudev like that triggered your anger" said Sahadev making Isha look at him blankly.

He laughed a bit and added "Initially when you saw Vasudev like that, you assumed the worst. Seeing your brother like that, your mind was distraught and that turned to anger when you saw the source of the cause of Vasudev's condition. After everything happened, you saw Vasudev just smiling at you, it irked you."

"Of course it irked me. That was not a time to play pranks on someone!" exclaimed Isha.

"Well, that's how Vasudev is" said Arjun, fondly shaking his head.

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now