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"How would I be able to get rid of this sin, Jyesht?" wept Arjun, kneeling down beside a severely injured Karn, clutching his hand with all his life.

"By placing your head on Mata's lap, Priya Arjun. That's where our salvation is. I have found mine" said Karna smiling sadly, his head perched on Kunti's lap, an arrow struck at the side of his neck and Kunti wept silently.

Karn looked at Radha who was also knelt by his side, a tear falling down his eyes "It's time for my departure, Radha Maa," making Radha weep.

"My dear brothers," said Karn looking at the five Pandavs.

"As your Jyesht bhraata, will you follow an order of mine?" asked Karn.

All the Pandavs nodded their heads with tears leaving their eyes, their hands pressed together, palms touching and their fingers pointed upwards, a gesture of respect.

"Please don't say anything rude or malign to Mata Kunti" he said and looked at Arjun, " And Priya Arjun, please provide training to my son."

Arjun wept, taking Karn's hand into his again.

"I promise you, Jyesth braatha. Your son will get the respect you deserved. You were the rightful heir to the throne of Indraprasth and that will go to your son now" cried Arjun.

"Fighting you was the biggest mistake of my life, Priya Arjun" cried Karn.

Arjun shook his head, crying more.

"I may be good, but you...," said Karn, caressing Arjun's cheek "you are extraordinary. You are second to none, my Priya anuj."

Karna gasped in pain making Arjun's eyes go wide. Blood started coming out of Karn's mouth, making everyone cry more.

"My last rites," Karna gasped again, more blood coming out of his mouth "should be done by you, Priya anuj" making everyone cry more.

The five Pandavs took his blessings. Gasping, Karn pressed his hands together and looked at Kunti.

"I take leave, Mata" cried Karn, his voice breaking.

Kunti cried, grasping one of his hands with one of hers while the other gently caressed his head.

Karn slowly closed his eyes with a soft smile of his face and gently took his last breath, the smile on face disappearing.

Everyone around him wailed at the loss. A lone tear cascaded down the cheek of Lord Krishna who was standing a few feet away from them. 

Destiny mourned the loss of not just great warriors, but also great people in the Kurukshetra war. Even gods wept looking at the amount of pain and suffering their children had endured and in the end, destiny had changed its course, hoping to change what was already written, but will everything change with the new path that Destiny has paved for everyone?


Hey guys! This is the first ever time I'm writing a fanfic on Indian History and I hope you guys like it! I hope I'm not offending anyone through this. That's not my intention. Karna was one of those characters that I loved since my childhood and it breaks my heart every time I read about what he has gone though in his life and my mind was filled with questions of what would have happened if he grew up as one of the Pandavs, if Maharaj Pandu knew about his existence. How different would his life have been? So, I finally decided to write a story based on those scenarios. Last but not the least: This is not the real Mahabharat. This is a fanfic.  

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now