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Lord Krishna's words rang in the ears of Pandavs. Arjun cringed hearing Lord Krishna's words while the rest looked shocked, except for Karn who immediately glared at Isha and the princess in return glared at the eldest Kauntey. 

"Lies" gritted out Karn.

"What do you think you have achieved by spewing out such lies to us?" questioned an angered Karn.

Isha bristled at his words.

"Lies?" she questioned. 

"What lies have I told you? I have not uttered a single lie to you or your family about anything" dismissed Isha.

Karn scoffed at her words "That's great coming out of someone who has lied about herself. Even the name you have given is not yours," glaring at her.

Drupad kept looking at Isha and Karn in shock, but hearing Karn accusing Isha angered him.

"Stay silent, Yuvraj Karn! You have no right to insult my daughter like this by accusing her!" roared Drupad.

"Insulting your daughter? It was your daughter who has insulted us by giving us a false identity!" roared back Karn.

Isha's demeanor turned cold hearing Karn's words.

"Angraj" she started coldly.

"I have not lied to you about a single thing. I have just opted to not tell you about myself. And the name I have given you is the same name that Bhratha Krishna calls me by. Apart from my name, I have not told you or your family anything regarding me. Then, please do enlighten me, how have I lied to you" said Isha, her demeanor rigid.

Karn stilled hearing her. She does have a point there. She never said anything about herself to him or his brothers, apart from Arjun -  with whom he should have a discussion later. It was Krishna who weaved stories about Isha. Karn should have a discussion with him too, along with Arjun. 

"And you and I both know that it's not Hastinapur who should declare war against Panchal" gritted out Isha.

It didn't even take a moment for Karn to connect the dots. It was Panchal who should come to war against Hastinapur is what the princess meant. Duryodhan just spewed lies to against Isha out of spite because she denied him and gave him a earful. 

Karn closed his eyes and heaved out a sigh. What was he supposed to do now? How could he rectify the situation instead of worsening the tension between Hastinapur and Panchal?

Letting out another sigh, Karn looked at Yudhishthir and called his name, making the younger Prince look at him.

"Yes Jyesht?" asked Yudhishthir.

"Inform Panchal Naresh Drupad that we are calling off the war" stated Karn, making all of his brothers except for Arjun to look at him in shock while Arjun sighed in relief. 

"Madhav," started Karn, looking at Krishna who just kept smiling the whole time " lets retreat back to the camps. You, Parth and I are going to have a discussion there."

Arjun immediately whined hearing that while Krishna blinked at Karn, but complied as the elder Prince said.


It was almost the time for sunset and the six Pandavs and Krishna were in a tent. While Karn walked to and fro in the tent while the rest of the Pandavs stared at him, wondering what was going on in their Jyesht's head. Arjun was on edge because he knew that he was going to receive a earful from his beloved Jyesht.

"Jyesht...." trailed off a nervous Arjun, making Karn stop in his tracks and glare at him, coldly.

Arjun gulped in fear while the remaining brothers were on edge in dreaded anticipation. None of them were ever on the receiving end of Karn's wrath before, but they knew that his anger almost had no bounds, if he ever got angered. Krishna on the other hand looked quite amused. 

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