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Lord Suryanarayan took Karn to Lord Parashuram and left him at the Guru's guidance for attaining the best knowledge and Karn was more than happy to finally know that he's got the chance. Lord Parashuram, though was doubtful about Karn's interest in learning was quick to dissolve his doubts when the training started. Lord Parashuram noticed Karn's eagerness to learn more and his wish to do something for the welfare of his people. Years have passed since Karn has become Guru Parashuram's student - his most favorite student, in fact. A couple of years after Karn became Lord Parashuram's student, the latter started sending the former towards places with real problems. Few with issues among people, few with issues between the people and their ruler and few with problems of non-human kind, like the Asuras, Rakshas and other kinds terrorizing people and making their lives miserable. Twelve years have passed since Karn came to Lord Parashuram as his student. 

A man was standing by the edge of a cliff, staring at the moon in the dark sky. The kundals on his ears were glowing in the night sky under the moonlight. There was gentle gush of air in his surroundings, making the night pleasant. Karn slowly raised his bow, holding it in front of him and pulled the string of it till his ear. Two arrows formed in his hands when he pulled the string, he aimed the arrows in the direction of the moon, his dark eyes looking sharply at the moon. He released the string of his bow, shooting the arrows and held his bow in his hand, freely. He watched as the arrows were moving in the air and collided together. The collision forming a gust of energy which created a small globe that eventually increased in its size and glowed like the sun itself, lighting the entire area like a sun does. He stared at the glowing sun that was in front of the moon and just stood there. A small ball of energy was released from the sun and travelled towards the man like a blazing comet and the man just stood there, not moving an inch.

As that ball of energy went towards the man, a golden divine armor appeared on his body, glowing like the sun and when the energy hit the man's chest, the armor just absorbed it. A few seconds later, the armor slowly disappeared and the man turned around, looking intact from what happened. 


Lord Parashuram was sleeping on one of the boulders when Karn saw him while carrying a few logs of wood. He smiled and gently placed the wood down and walked towards his Guru. He slowly sat down by his Guru's head a gently tried to lift the latter's head to lay it on the former's knee, but Lord Parashuram woke up and sat straight, looking at Karn.

"Here Gurudev. Please rest your head on my thighs and continue to rest" said Karn with a smile.

Guru Parashuram chuckled and said "Putra Karn. I am habitual of taking rest on rocks and stones."

"You are habituated Gurudev, but it's not a necessity. Give me a chance to serve you. Please come" said Karn. 

Lord Parashuram looked at Karn with a pleased smile and rested his head on the latter's lap. Karn started blowing air with his angavastr to his Guru. A few minutes have passed since then and unknown to Karn, a black spider made its way towards him and crawled up his leg. Karn tried to wiggle his leg a bit but didn't want to wake his Guru. The spider has bit Karn's thigh and continued to do so, but Karn continued to blow air to his Guru without moving. Slowly, his white dhoti started going red from the bleeding on Karn's thigh due to the spider bite and Karn gritted his teeth in pain and his breathing became ragged. Blood started flowing onto the boulder from his thigh and touched Lord Parashuram's shoulder who immediately opened his eyes feeling the wetness touch his shoulder. His eyes widened hearing hearing Karn's ragged breathing and sat straight. He looked at his shoulder that was drenched in Karn's blood and then looked at Karn himself. Lord Parashuram immediately stood and Karn followed him and the spider fell down and crawled away.

A Different Destiny - A Mahabharat/Karn FanficWhere stories live. Discover now