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Kunti just completed preparing lunch when Bheem rushed inside the hut, saying "Matha! I'm still hungry!" looking at the laddoo that Kunti kept aside for Madri.

The remaining five brothers all peeked into the hut, trying to be as discreet as possible.

"Arey! But I have given you the laddoos na?" asked Kunti.

"Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev ate all those laddoos!" replied Bheem.

Kunti was about to sigh when she saw the remaining of her sons peeking inside the hut and stifled a smile. 

"Did they eat all the laddoos?" asked an "astonished" Kunti.

"Not all, but most of them. They ate five laddoos!" lied Bheem and looked at Madri's share of laddoo which didn't go unnoticed by Kunti.

She smiled and said "Wait" picking up the laddoo from the bowl, saying "I had kept this laddoo for Madri. Here. You may have this as well" feeding it to him while the brother grinned seeing it.

Bheem burped as soon as he's done eating making all of them smile.

"I don't know why Matha, but when you feed me with your hands, I am satisfied instantly!" said Bheem.

"That's because I'm content at heart and it passes over to your stomach" said Kunti with smile, patting Bheem's stomach. 

"And my biggest contentment lies in feeding all six of my sons with my own hands" said Kunti and then tilted her head looking at the remaining of her sons, saying "Come on! You all better come in and have your lunch too. Else his contentment lies for only a few minutes. Come!"

Everyone laughed hearing her and they all rushed towards her and hugged her with Bheem joining them and almost throwing off their balance.


Pandu was tying the string of a bow while Karn was sharpening the arrowheads of his arrows with Yudhishthir helping him. Bheem was sorting the sharpened arrows when Arjun rushed in followed by Nakul and Sahadev.

"How far can this arrow be shot, Pitashree?" asked Arjun enthusiastically, holding an arrow in his hand.

Before Pandu can answer, Nakul said "It can be shot all the way out of this forest!"

Bheem scoffed hearing that and asked "I can throw it that far with my bare hands! What is the need of a bow for that?"

Pandu laughed hearing him and soon everyone except Bheem laughed too while Bheem looked at them in confusion.

"It's not about throwing it, bhratha Bheem" Arjun told him and then asked Pandu "from how far can a target be shot, Pitashree?"

"The strength of a bow depends on a man. It's not the other way around, son. A weapon is only as handy as it's wielder's inner strength, just as a skill is only as beneficial as a one's will power" replied Pandu.

"I did not understand Pitashree. What is will power?" asked Yudhishthir.

"When the wind blows at a high speed, it can uproot trees. The trees that get uprooted becomes firewood. But the tree that stands firm blooms new leaves and flowers after a certain time. That is called as the will power of the tree. Even when the odds are against him, a human should not abandon his duties, son" replied Pandu, looking at Karn at the last part.

"What is inner strength, Pitashree?" asked Karn.

"When pests and termites from beneath the ground start biting and devouring a tree, some trees die. But there are also some trees that the pests cannot devour. That is the tree's inner strength" replied Pandu with a smile on his face.

"When evil afflict's the human heart and tries to consume it from within, then he should not give in to the affliction within" he added.

"Meaning, will power protects against unfavorable circumstances outside. And against inner conflicts, inner strength protects us" said Karn.

Pandu looked at him with pride and said "Excellent, putra! I am so proud of you!"

 He walked towards his eldest son and said "One day, you will become the most deserving king of Hastinapur."

Karn smiled at him in response and Pandu hugged him while the remaining brothers looked at them with pride.


Karn was reading a scroll while the rest of the brothers were playing outside. Madri has left a few minutes ago after literally shoving a laddoo into Karn's mouth saying that he takes care of his brothers' wants and needs but doesn't take care of his own wants and needs and told him to finish eating the kheer she made for him by the time she's back. He was done eating the kheer after which he walked out to keep and eye on his brothers. He started reading the scroll his father gave him when he saw that Sahadev has stopped playing with his brothers and looked quite troubled.

Sahadev immediately ran away from there making Karn frown and call his name but Sahadev was too far away by that time. With a sigh, Karn stood up and rushed after Sahadev, calling his name loudly. Sahadev ran towards the hut they live in looking for Kunti or Madri.

"Matha! Matha!" called Sahadev walking in and found Kunti who was separating stones from rice.

Kunti looked at him and her expression turned alarmed when she saw Sahadev. Karn too rushed in a second later.

"Sahadev! What happened, putra?" asked Kunti.

"I don't know why Matha, but my heart is quivering. Surely some mishap has happened to Pitashree" cried Sahadev.

Kunti's and Karn's eyes widened hearing Sahadev and looked at each other. Kunti immediately stood up and reached Sahadev.

"Where is your Pitashree?" asked Kunti looking at him and her eldest.

"He has gone to get flowers for Pooja" replied Sahadev.

Kunti looked like she's trying to gather her thoughts. 

She then looked at Karn and said "Look after your brothers" and ran outside making Karn call out for her but she didn't stop.


That's the 6th chapter! I know it's short too, but I promise the chapters will get longer in the future. Hope you guys like it! And thank you so much for all the reads, likes and feedback! You guys are the best!

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