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Lord Krishna after getting permission from Maharaj Drupad took Isha and Draupadi with him to Dwaraka. It was Isha's first time, going out of Kampilya and everything was so amazing and mesmerizing to her. Her eyes took in the beauty of the nature on the way and she even played with a few fauns, doves and rabbits whenever they stopped to take rest. While Draupadi remained composed and mature, Krishna and Isha were like naughty children with him teaching her how to use a catapult so that they can break a few pots in order to get some milk and butter and after grabbing the said items, Krishna ran away from there, dragging Isha with him because the first time they did it, she didn't understand what they were doing. To say that the two of them stirred a lot trouble will be the understatement of the year. Krishna also looked like he was having some nostalgia.

In a few days, the three of them reached Dwaraka, along with a few servants and soldiers who accompanied them so that the three of them wouldn't have to face any complications of sorts on their way. It was night by the time they reached Dwaraka and as soon as they reached the palace there, they were greeted by Balram and Revati and were escorted to their rooms. Balram and Revati were already in love with Isha with the little time they have spent with her and were happy seeing the bond between Draupadi and Isha. 

The next day came and Draupadi went to Isha's room to see what she was up to but when she couldn't find the younger girl in her room, she grew worried and started searching for her everywhere and found Isha in the garden, looking blissfully happy between the joys of the nature. She was sitting on the ground and was caressing a dove while a few of them were feeding by the little fountain or drinking water. Just the Krishna came and dropped a little rabbit in Isha's lap and the girl was instantly in love with the creature while the dove flew towards its friends. Just then a small fluffle of rabbits made their way towards Isha and she took a small hare into her arms, gently petting it. Draupadi smiled seeing it and made her towards the garden.

As she went near the garden, Draupadi can hear Isha's squeals and Krishna's laughter making her wonder what the troublesome duo was up to.  When she walked into the garden, she saw a rabbit, biting and pulling on Isha's hair while Krishna kept laughing looking at Isha who was trying to get that rabbit to stop biting her hair. By the time Draupadi was in front of the two of the, Isha managed to free her hair from the rabbit's hold and Draupadi chuckled, shaking her head. 

"Jiji!" squealed Isha, looking at Draupadi while holding out a rabbit to show it to Draupadi.

"Look how cute this is! All of these rabbits are so cute!" exclaimed Isha while petting a few more rabbits that were near her.

"Now that you have managed to free yourself from the rabbit, get up. You wanted to see the city, na? Let's go and venture" said Draupadi.

"Can we take this rabbit with us while we venture the city? I don't want to part with it" asked Isha.

"No Isha. We can not" said Draupadi.

"Why not?" pouted Isha.

"Because you will not carry it all the way until we are back. Plus the rabbit will get bored being with us all day. It will miss its friends and family" said Draupadi.

Isha looked sad hearing her and Krishna noticed it.

"How about this? You can play with the rabbits everyday as long as you are here. Since the rabbits stay here itself, you can come and see then whenever you want" suggested Krishna and Isha's face brightened hearing it.


Krishna took Isha and Draupadi to show them the city of Dwaraka, but the three of them were roaming in disguise, like common folks. While the divine self kept calling Draupadi as Sakhi, he started calling Isha and Meenakshi, mostly because of her beautiful eyes. Isha liked the name and didn't complain. 

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