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Months have passed since Yudhishthir was born. Kunti and Madri were doing some chores while Karn was playing with Yudhishthir when Pandu came and told them that Maharani Gandhari gave birth to a lump of flesh leaving the women speechless.

"Queen Gandhari gave birth to a lump of flesh?" asked a horrified Madri.

"Yes, Madri. A lump of flesh has been delivered by her" replied Pandu, sadly.

"But why, Arya? Why is Jyesht bhraata and Jiji's life filled with so much sorrows and grievances?" asked Kunti with tears in her eyes.

"Not just them. The whole of Hastinapur and Kuruvansh are a victim of this misfortune" said Madri sadly.

Pandu looked like he was in a deep thought and then looked at Kunti. He stood up and walked towards her.

"Kunti, now that Karn is the future of Hastinapur, I don't think we have to wait for giving him another brother. Kuruvansh needs four more heirs from you" said Pandu.


Pandu and Kunti were standing by a lake shore.

"One of the features that a king need is Strength. Karn is someone who is just, have strength, is focused, have the capability to think about things and think about welfare of everyone. He also needs five brothers who have those characteristics respectively. With Yudhishthir on his side, Karn will be known for his good and just needs. I know that" said Pandu.

"But a King's deeds and justness receive respect only when he has the strength to protect that justice" he added and looked at the lake.

"I need a son who has the strength of a 1000 elephants in his arms. He should be like the wind, when it comes to strength. Just like when Vayu Devata gets angry, he destructs the forests, brings cyclones, destructs the mountains and converts them to dust. The same strength should be possessed by my son, Kunti!" exclaimed Pandu.

"Chant the mantra and invite the Lord of Wind, Kunti. Invoke Vayu Dev with your mantra" told Pandu.

Kunti nodded at him with a smile. 

The two of them made their way towards the cliff and stood by the clearing. The both of them pressed their hands together in respect and Kunti started chanting the mantra. Soon, a gush of wind surrounded them, making it difficult for them to pray. Both Kunti and Pandu knelt down to their knees and kept praying for Lord Vayu who materialized in front of them later. The wife and husband pair bowed their heads to the Lord in respect who in return blessed them.

"I have appeared at your invitation, Kunti. I am here to fulfill the boon of Sage Durvasa" said Vayu Dev.

"Then bless me with a son as powerful as you, my Lord" said Kunti.

The Lord of wind gave his blessings and soon a baby materialized in Kunti's arms. Kunti and Pandu looked at the baby and smiled at each other.

"Half the body of your son is made of adamantine, Kunti. I will myself reside in his arms. His enemies will shiver in fear, on hearing of his achievements. He will be very powerful. He will be named as Bheem! The whole world will him by the name of Vrikodar Bheem!" said the Lord of the Wind.

Kunti and Pandu bowed their head in respect and Vayu Dev blessed them and disappeared. Pandu walked towards Kunti and Bheem and caressed the baby's head. 

"My Bheem" said Pandu, lovingly.

"I will bring some milk for him" Pandu told Kunti and went to fetch some milk for the baby while Kunti cradled the baby in her arms.

Kunti knelt down while cradling the baby and jumped out of her skin when she heard a dangerous roar, loosing the grip on Bheem. The baby fell down the cliff and Kunti wailed his name in horror.

"Bheem!" cried Kunti looking down the cliff.

She immediately rushed to make her down the cliff - the safe route, of course, and when she made it down, she smiled looking at the baby who was lying on a rock, pretty much unharmed from the fall. Kunti smiled in relief and took the baby back into her arms, caressing his hair and kissing his head. Her eyes then landed on the rock Bheem was on earlier and noticed how it was cracked and had a visible dent to it. 


Many months have passed since Bheem's birth and Karn was moping outside of the hut they were living in when Kunti spotted him. 

Walking towards him, Kunti asked "Putra, what's wrong?"

"Neither of my brothers are playing with me" grumbled Karn.

"No, they like playing with you" said Kunti caressing his head.

"No, they don't" grumbled Karn.

"Yes, they do" said Kunti.

"Yudhishthir likes using my arrows as a spear and ends up damaging them and Bheem keeps on breaking my bows" Karn deadpanned.

"If he breaks another of my bows, Pitashree will not give me any new bows" Karn whined.

Kunti scoffed playfully "Since when did your Pitashree stop doing anything to your beck and call?" knowing full well that Karn has got Pandu wrapped around his little finger.

Karn grumbled, stood up and stomped away making Kunti chuckle at the boy's antics, shaking her head.


Hey guys! That's the 3rd chapter! I know it's pretty short but I swear I will make it up to you guys in the future! And thank you so much for the feedback! It honestly makes my day! Thank you so much for the read and votes and the feedback I keep getting! You guys are the best!

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