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That day Pandu, Kunti and Madri took Karn with them leaving behind a distraught Radha and Adiratha. Karn too was very upset for a couple of days but finally accepted what was happening. He stayed moody for a couple of days but soon opened himself to the three of them. He was the light that the three of them needed and became Pandu's pride and joy. Karn became the apple of Pandu's eyes and the two of them bonded over their love for archery. Both Kunti and Madri showered him with affection. Kunti's happiness had no bounds, finally seeing her son happy with them. Madri too started spoiling Karn, giving him extra sweets whenever any were made.

Months have passed since the arrival of Karn, everyone has been happy. One day, Madri was cooking some kheer for Karn when a sudden thought struck her and left a frown on her face. 

Just then Kunti entered the hut with a basket of fruits and looked at Madri's expression.

"What's wrong Madri? Why are you frowning like that?" asked Kunti.

"Nothing Jiji. Just thinking about Karn and remembered something that my father used to say" replied Madri.

"What did your father used to say, Madri?" asked Pandu who also just entered the hut with Karn.

"Wow, Madri Maata! Kheer!" exclaimed a very happy Karn when his eyes fell on the pudding.

Madri immediately smiled at him and served him some kheer in a bowl and little Karn happily ate it after thanking Madri while both Pandu and Kunti looked at her expectantly. The two of them also took their seats.

"What is it, Madri?" asked Pandu.

"My father used to say that only an unfortunate king doesn't have a brother or kin for his protection" said Madri.

"But my brother will have a hundred sons from bhabhishree Gandhari. Those hundred brothers are Karn's brothers, aren't they?" asked Pandu.

"In terms of relation, yes Arya. But will those hundred brothers accept our Karn as their brother, let alone as their jyesth? And we all know how Gandhar kumar Shakuni is. His intentions are not pure and he will spoil his nephews' minds too, poisoning their thoughts, turning them against Karn. I pray that what I said won't happen, but I don't see things going any other way" said Madri with tears pooling in her eyes.

Madri then looked at Kunti and cried "Can't you have more sons using that Mantra, Jiji? That way, our Karn will have brothers whom he can call his own. I know that our Karn is perfect in every aspect, but having someone whom he can call his own brothers will give him some peace and relief when he becomes the King."

"Please think about it" said Madri looking at Kunti and Pandu.

"Come to think of it, what Madri said is right, Arya. Gandhar Kumar Shakuni will turn every son that will be born to Jiji against our Karn" said Kunti, looking visibly upset.

"Then Karn will have brothers to call as his own too. I pray that the day won't come where my family turns against each other, but unfortunately, I can see it happening" said Pandu with a sigh.

"It is essential that Karn too have his own brothers" he added.

He then looked at his two wives and said "Karn will have five brothers who posses the qualities of justice, strength, focus, remaining neutral in a difficult situation and thinking about welfare of all respectively."

Pandu looked at Kunti and said "Let's invoke Lord Yama and seek his blessings in the form of a son who is a scholar of righteousness and knowledgeable of justice."

Kunti nodded in response and the three of them looked at Karn who asked "Am I getting a brother?"

All of them chuckled and Madri ruffled his hair, saying "Yes, you're going to get a brother soon. He will always be with you, following your lead."

Karn grinned at that and looked at his father.

"Does that mean he will practice archery with me, Pitashree?" asked Karn making the three adults to laugh, shaking their heads.

Kunti replied instead "We don't know that yet, Putra but he will surely play with you."

Karn's grin widened immediately.

"I'm so happy then!" he exclaimed.

Pandu smiled happily and said "I'll go and enquire a saint about the nearby auspicious moment for the birth of my second son," standing up and left the hut.


Finally the day has come for the birth of Kunti and Pandu's second child. Both Pandu and Kunti walked towards a clearing on the cliff, looking at the sky. The two of them pressed their hands together as a prayer and Kunti started chanting the mantra. Soon Lord Yama materialized before them in the air and the two of them bowed their heads in respect. 

Lord Yama blessed them and said "Kunti, I have appeared being pleased by your invocation. You have invoked me by chanting this mantra. So you must be having a desire of obtaining a child."

"Not just a child, my lord. We want a son instilled with your characteristics in him" said Kunti.

"We want a son who is determined to follow the path of righteousness" said Pandu.

"You both are really noble to think of righteousness rather than any kind of worldly power and riches. Righteousness stems from mercy which comes from justice and justice from patience. In all the battles, struggles, movements of life, the one who is calm and composed, the one who doesn't care for relationships and self-benefit before taking a decision for righteousness can have righteousness in their heart. Your son shall definitely be somebody of this capability" said Lord Yama.

Soon a small baby materialized in front of Kunti who cradled him while the baby cried. Both Pandu and Kunti thanked Lord Yama who then disappeared from there. 

"My son!" said Kunti merrily while the baby gripped Pandu's finger, making him grin.

"Kunti, my son will symbolize the god of righteousness. He'll always be patient during battles" said Pandu, taking the baby into his own arms.

"My son will be called Yudhishthir!" exclaimed Pandu with happiness while raising the baby in front of him.


So, that's the second chapter! Hope you guys will like it! And thank you so much for all the votes and feedback! Really made my day! You guys are truly the best! :D

Thank you so much for the reads, votes and comments. Feedback is truly appreciated. Thank you all once again!

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