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It's been a couple of days since Karn bought an injured Isha to the palace and so far, the girl healed quickly and was doing just fine. Everyone were in the common room, doing whatever and having fun. Nakul was pranking Bheem who was talking to Balram. Yudhishthir and Sahadev were talking among themselves while Karn and Arjun were talking about the archery competition that was held in the nearby village that they visited. Draupadi, Revati and Rukmini were talking with each other where as Krishna was explaining Isha about different kinds of weapons that are used by everyone, deities included. Though he kept getting on her nerves at times, randomly saying "Follow the bright light."

Just then a soldier ran towards the room.

Vasudev frowned seeing the soldier's anxiousness and asked "Soldier? What's wrong?"

"Maharaj! Hanasur! Hanasur was spotted near the woods with his army of asurs! They're going to attack Dwaraka!" cried the soldier.

Krishna, Balram, Vasudev and the six Pandavs immediately stood up listening to the soldier. The environment in the room quickly became tensed hearing that. The Dwaraka brothers and the Pandavs immediately rushed outside along with Vasudev while the ladies were escorted to a more safe place.

Krishna and Balram immediately readied their army and the Pandavs helped them. Vasudev initially protested when the six brothers were about to help as it might become a political issue, but Karn told him that it will be on either way and they had to do something when they were already present in middle of the chaos.  With the Narayani sena being led by Krishna, Balram and the Pandavs too actively participated in the war, making sure that none of the asurs could even reach the city walls, making sure that they can't even leave the woods. Soon, Hanasur's army was defeated but Hanasur was still alive and kicking, thanks to the boon he had that no man can kill him. Hanasur was sure that even if he continued the war with what was left of his army, he won't win the war. 

So, he decided to play a tactic and made the word spread that he's fleeing from the war zone, trying to hide somewhere in the woods, trying to lure Krishna and Balram in so that he could kill them. The word reached Lord Krishna and Balram that Hanasur was fleeing. Before the two of them can charge towards the direction, Karn stopped them with Yudhishthir and Arjun.

"Bhratha Balram, Bhratha Krishna, this might be a farce. For all we know, this might be a trap! Don't fall for this!" exclaimed Karn.

"Even if it is not true, Hanasur has a boon that no man can kill him! How will you kill him even though he is fleeing?" asked Arjun.

"And God forbid -  if something happens to the two of you, what will happen to Dwaraka?" asked Yudhishthir.

At that, Lord Krishna smiled and said "Boo n or no boon, Hanasur has caused enoughplight to many people and made a lot of sins. He shall not live any longer. And Dwaraka will be in trouble if something happens to me and Dau. But if Dau doesn't go after Hanasur and I go alone, then everything will be safe."

"Kanha-" Dau started protesting.

"Vishwaas rakhiye Dau. Not on just me, but on Hanasur's boon too. No man will kill him, but Hanasur will surely die today" said Lord Krishna and a reluctant Dau agreed.

Krishna immediately got on his chariot and went towards the direction where Hanasur was said to be fleeing. 


Back at the palace, the ladies were in the safe quarters with a couple of maids with them and the soldiers guarding the doors.

"Suna hain ki Hanasur ko vardaan prapt hua ki koi bhi purush se uska vadh nahin hoga" one of the maids said.

"In that case, how will he be defeated?" wondered another.

The talks went on and on and the royal ladies were getting more and more antsy hearing them.

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