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It's been a few days since the Pandavs and the Kauravs have returned to Hastinapur after which Karn was declared as the Yuvraj of Hastinapur. Shakuni tried to foil the plans stating that the Pandavs have won the war against Drupad but not Karn and he is yet to prove himself, else people will think that he's benefitting from his brothers. Hearing that, Drona spoke up that Karn did prove himself by killing Angasur and freeing the people of Anga rajya from his tyranny, adding that he himself has seen it all with his own eyes. Shakuni sneered at it but remained silent. Dhritarashtr too tried to pleaded with Karn to give up the position of Crown Prince the day before he was declared as the Crown Prince, but before Karn could promise him anything, Arjun and Yudhishthir showed up and Arjun indirectly reminded Dhritarashtr of a King's duties. After that, Dhritarashtr informed them that Karn will be declared as the Crown Prince of Hastinapur.

The people of the Kuru region has been happy since Karn was declared as the Yuvraj. The crops has been growing, the rains were regular, the weather is being a blessing and it's like the nature itself is happy with Karn being the Yuvraj and that's exactly what people have been thinking. Karn also took his princely duties seriously, actively participating in the Rajya Sabha and discussing matters with Dhritarashtr and Bheeshm before any important decision could be made. 

While Kuru rashtr has been prospering peacefully, the same couldn't be said for it's neighboring region Panchal. Most of water bodies in the region have dried up due to the sun and the lack of rains there was not helping. The crops are dying and so are the animals, leaving the people in misery. Drupad is becoming more and more worried with the condition of his kingdom which is getting worse day by day. 

Seeing this, Drupad's council members told him that maybe they should perform a pooja to appease  Mahadev and pray for the beginning of good days in Panchal and Drupad agreed to it. Just then, one of his attendants announced that Yadav shresht Vasudev Krishna is asking for permission to enter and Drupad immediately gave him the permission. As soon as the almighty entered, Drupad stood up along with his council members.

"Welcome, Vasudev. We are pleased to have you here" said Drupad.

Krishna smiled hearing it and said "My apologies for coming in without intimating first, Maharaj. I was passing by and thought why not visit you and my Sakhi."

Drupad smiled hearing him, but Krishna frowned.

"What's wrong, Maharaj Drupad? You seem worried" said Krishna, though he knew the reason very well.

"What can I say, Vasudev. My kingdom is affected with droughts and it looks like there is no end of it. My people are suffering and I'm utterly helpless. My council has suggested that maybe a pooja will work to please Mahadev and ask for the end of this disaster in my kingdom" said Drupad.

"In that case, a pooja will not suffice, Maharaj Drupad. You should perform a yajna. A Mahayajna to appease Mahadev" said Krishna.

"A mahayajna for Mahadev? But doing a yajna for Bholenath is unheard of. Worshipping him with Abhishek and bel leaves is how we can appease him" said Drupad with a frown.

"But what you are going to ask him is of a greater deed, Maharaj. The way you worship him for his presence should also match your wish" said Krishna.

Drupad thought about it for a few minutes and then looked at Krishna.

"I think you are right, Vasudev. I will make sure that the preparations of the mahayajna are started immediately. The sooner we start this, the sooner I can hopefully attain Mahadev's presence" said Drupad.


Maharaj Drupad started the preparations of Mahayajna as told by Krishna. Unfortunately, Krishna had to leave for Dwaraka and couldn't stay in Panchal. Soon, the day of starting the mahayajna has arrived and Drupad along with Shikhandini, Dhrishtadyumn and Draupadi went to the place where it was going to take place. Drupad started the Mahayajna with a hundred priests, all trying to appease Lord Shiva. It was the fifteenth day of the  mahayajna when Lord Shiva himself appeared in front of the yajna kund. Everyone immediately stood up in happiness and prayed and praised him.

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