CHAPTER - 13 : Panch Ratna

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The preparations for the attack were going on full swing. When Karn came to offer his help in the form of advice to his brothers and Kauravs, the Kauravs immediately declined his help stating that they don't need help from him while the Pandavs took every word of his to their heart.

"Nakul" said Karn walking towards him in the armory.

"Yes Jyesht?" asked Nakul.

"Pay attention, Nakul. While sharpening the swords, make sure the soldiers do not file them too much, else the shaft will lose its weight" said Karn.

"Certainly, Jyesht" said Nakul.

Karn smiled and patted Nakul's shoulder. He then spotted Arjun and walked towards him.

"Arjun, make sure the shafts of the swords and arrows are as small as possible" said Karn.

"Okay Jyesht" said Arjun with a smile.

He was probably the one who showed most excitement upon Karn's return.

"Otherwise they won't travel too far" added Karn and Arjun nodded his head.

Just then Sahadev walked towards Karn and said "Jyesht, I think it is time we chalk out all the possible strategies."

Karn nodded and said "Okay, let's gather in our common room and tell everyone that they can join us if they wish to discuss some strategies."

"Jyesht, Duryodhan and his brothers will turn their noses at us if we offer them anything" said Arjun.

"Even if they do, it is important to be fair with everyone Priya Arjun. Else Mamashree Shakuni will say that we're being partial. Priya Sahadev, inform the Kauravs that they can join us in the common room if they wish to strategize. Whether they want to join us or not is up to them" said Karn and he started walking out of there towards the common room where he saw Duryodhan staring at Bheem who was looking at the statue of Duryodhan mockingly that the latter got sculpted thinking that he will be announced as the Crown Prince that day.

Karn saw Duryodhan walking towards Bheem, calling his name.

"Bheem!" called Duryodhan making the said man to look at him.

With a sigh Karn too walked towards them and asked "What are you doing, Bheem?"

"Jyesht!" said Bheem with a grin and looked at Duryodhan.

"You wanted your idol to be built on my shoulders, isn't that what you said to the sculpture when he was making this idol?" asked Bheem looking at the Kaurav.

"That's why I wanted to see how much this thing weighs" he added.

Karn frowned hearing him and asked "Why Bheem?"

"Jyesht, if this thing is not too heavy, I can easily stand up, holding it with my hands. Do you wanna see?" asked Bheem like an eager child and before Karn could reply, he walked to the back of the idol and lifted it like it weighed nothing.

Duryodhan scowled at Bheem while Karn looked at what Bheem was doing and before Karn could warn him, Bheem dropped the idol down making it break into pieces.

"Oh no, it broke!" said Bheem looking at Duryodhan mockingly while Karn just sighed in response.

Karn then looked at Bheem pointedly and the latter just smiled at his eldest brother.

"Jyesht, I think that while sculpting this idol, the sculptor must have used arrogance instead of self confidence" Bheem said and then looked at Duryodhan, adding "They might look similar but are very different."

"Bheem, that's enough" said Karn and Bheem looked at Karn innocently and said "I didn't even do anything, Jyesht. The idol is just weak. Anyway, I'll meet you in the common room" and scampered away from there.

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