UA Dynamics

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UA, the prestigious school for heroes, support, business, and general studies, had several dynamics that Izuku noticed, despite being out for when they were in classes. However, Nezu was letting him go out more and more often, just not during 'rush time' as Dadzawa calles it.

For one, there seemed to be labels for everyone. There was the class clown, the emo, the geek, the nerd (haha, Kacchan would laugh at this), the really strong kid, and there were probably more, but Izuku, today, was focusing on one particular label.

The Insane.

Or at least, one person from the insane label. She randomly ran into Nezu's office and said that she finally managed to perfect Baby 1287, or something like that. He wasn't completely sure, but then, the girl spotted him.

Earlier, yesterday...

"Hello, Principal!"

A pink haired girl with yellow eyes burst into the room.

"Those babies you asked for? Finally done! How's that for breaking the school record - hey, hello there!"

Izuku stiffened at the bright, energetic girl. "I - hello?"

Her already wide grin grew larger.

"Have you seen Principal Nezu? He owes me a little something."

"L-like what?"

She started to wave her arms around as she paced back and forth. "Only the school record for making this new baby!" She ppinted at the metal backpack on her. "Baby 1287 has got it all! An arm, tools, storage space, it's one of my best babies ever created! And the record's 40 school days, when I, Hatsume Mei, has done the same thing in only 30! With my own plans and stuff! Say, what's your name?"

"A-aizawa," Izuku started before sitting up correctly, "Izuku."

"Isn't that one of the teacher's names?" Hatsume asked.

"Well, yeah, I was adopted," Izuku's voice lowered before his voice went silent.

Hatsume tilted her head. "Cool, so do you know where the rat/stoat/dog/whatever is?"

Izuku shook his head. "He said he needed to check on something." He also took Mamoru and Asuka, but that didn't need to be said to this kinda weird girl.

"He's coming back, right?"

"I hope so - "

"Alrightie, can I wait here, with you?" She beamed.

"Um, sure? I guess?"

Hatsume plopped onto the couch,  next to Izuku, who looked down at his hands and started to fidget with the lock and pin he always had on his person.

"That's pretty cool!"

Izuku turned to his companion. "Thanks! You mean it?"

"Of course! I wouldn't be the support course genius I am without thinking anything that requires mechanics is cool!"

"Support course seems cool," Izuku started before Hatsume interrupted him.

"Support course is awesome! You get to blow up stuff, make stuff, compare stuff, even though everyone thinks I'm cuckoo," she swirled her finger around her temple before dropping her hand, "you can't be great without working for it! If I'm gonna inherit my family's company, I'm gonna give it 110% of my effort!"

"That sounds amazing! What company?"

"Hatsume Industries! The best of the best! My mom and dad run it, they inspired me to pick it up as well. Then again, parents, for the most part, inspire their kids."

Izuku nodded before flashbacks started. His breath quickened before Hatsume shook him, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"You good now?"

"I - yeah, sorry."

"Aww, no worries. Also, I do a whole ton of things without thinking! Mom says it's what makes me special. Hey, when do you think he's gonna come in already?"


"Principal Nezu, duh."

Oh, right.

The door opened to show the person (or was it animal?) that they were talking about, along with Mamoru and Asuka.

"Am I a dog, a bear, or a rat? All that matters is that I'm the principal! Hello, Hatsume, have you already finished the task I gave you?"

"Yep! Hey, you do know there are two animals behind you, right?"

Nezu smiled. "Yes, I do, in fact, they're Izuku's, to be precise."

"That's pretty - shoot, I've gotta get going or sensei'll kill me! Bye, Izuku! See ya later!" Hatsume shot up out of her seat before running to the door, making sure to wave behind her as well as shutting the door.

Well, that was something.


So here Izuku was, walking down the corridor to see a potential friend. Hatsume was potentially his friend, right? It wasn't as if they were strangers -

Izuku, not paying attention, almost passed the support course room that Nezu had hinted Hatsume to be. Or at least, he told him to find Power Loader's class.

The only reason that he didn't completely miss it was because as soon as he passed it, a loud explosion suddenly sounded, blowing the door off its hinges. Izuku jumped with the loud sound before turning around, subconsciously preparing for a fight or something.

"Well, that was a fail!" said a voice he was looking for.

As the black smoke started to thin out, he could see her covered in soot, grime, and whatever else.

"Hatsume, this is like the fortieth time it's happened."

"Sorry, sensei! Won't happen a - "

"Again, yes, you've said that before," Power Loader sighed.

"Oh, hey! Izuku! Wanna see my new baby-in-the-making?"

Izuku gulped as he walked over. What did he get himself into?

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