Here Comes Chaos

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"Eraser! Marry meeeee!"

"Again, no."


Izuku shot a stinkeye at the green-haired woman who honestly looked like a pirate. Leave his dad alone!

"Oh yeah! Surprised you haven't expelled anyone yet, Shouta!" The woman said as she tries to hug him and give a smooch.

Dadzawa dodged out of the way. "Class, this is Ms. Joke, a fellow underground hero who is strictly my co-worker."

"Awwwww..." Ms. Joke pouted. "Talk about being co-worker-zoned."

"We would need to if you keep proposing to me," Dadzawa grumbled. Izuku firmly agreed with this.

"Well, there's always next time that I can melt your big ice heart and show off your soft side."

"Izuku-kun, are you okay?" Ashido asked. "You're turning red."

"Fine," Izuku replied.

"Ooh, I get it. Makes sense," Ashido nodded. "I won't tell." She broughy her finger to her mouth when she finished whispering.

The two were standing near the edge of the group, by the road, thankfully, Izuku added.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Izuku whispered back.

Ashido waved her hand. "Sorry if that was too personal. It's just that that feeling is real familiar. Felt like that when my mom started dating again. And my confidence dropped and I didn't feel too well. But after a while, I got used to it and dealt with it!"

"What about the boyfriend?"

"Well, it's my mom's decision. She's old enough to know what to do. Besides, I don't think you'll have to worry too much. Sensei is really giving her a tough time." They watched as Dadzawa dodged another kiss attack. "You know, she's really aggressive."

"Yeah," Izuku agreed.

Meanwhile, Dadzawa stared at Ms. Joke.

"Shouldn't you be with your class? It's ten till it starts."

Ms. Joke blinked before shouting, "Oh god, yeah! Thanks, Shouta! Owe you one! I knew you loved me somehow!" She runs off, gaining several strange looks.

Dadzawa groans. "She's finally gone." Dadzawa turns to them. "Now, like I said, it's ten till the event starts. Let's go in. Plus ultra and stuff."

"Plus ultra!" Class 1a cheered as an intruder comes into their cheer.


A tall teenager with a hat and cale comes over, a determined, excited expression on his face.

"What did we say about interrupting other schools, Inasa?" another boy comes up with the same uniform.

"Oh yeah!" Inasa turns to them and bows, forehead bruising from contact on the ground, my god, how flexible is this guy? "MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES!"

Class 1a stared at the strange sight.

"Shiketsu," Dadzawa simply said.

"That's the other famous school!"

"Shiketsu of the west, UA of the east," Izuku heard Todoroki say. Wow, that's the first time he's heard him speak since coming into the class.

"And we're gonna be the ones to take you down, ya hear fam?" a girl with brown hair and a curvy body said as she twirled a strand of hair.

Bakugou snorted, "No way, as if."

"Yes way!"

"In any case, it's great to see passionate UA students!" Inasa grinned. "I almost went to UA myself! I passed the recommended test, but after hearing I got into Shiketsu and other things, I went there instead! It's also closer!"

"Makes sense," Ojirou pondered.

"See you later!" Inasa yelled as he swiftly turned, the other two (namely the boy) groaning as they go after him.

"We should go in as well. Come on."


The class of twenty was lead into a small room with dozens of other people. Nineteen went in that room. One did not and followed his teacher and dad to a different hallway where it ended with a door. Dadzawa pushes it to show a large arena with several emvironments and areas, surrounded by seats all around.

"Come on, let's take a seat."

Izuku followed Dadzawa towards a row more towards the front and go into the middle of that row. Several other people are scattered around, at least, from what Izuku could see.

The two sat down, Izuku looking around when -


Oh no, here comes the walking disaster.

"Ms. Joke," Dadzawa greeted back as she sat down two seats away from him, on the other side compared to Izuku.

"Ow," she held where her heart would be, "that wounds me."

"Yeah, yeah, sure."

"Ooh, who's the kid?" Ms. Joke looked around at Izuku, who tried to look friendly.

"Aizawa Izuku."

Ms. Joke blinked. "You have a kid?"

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Dadzawa scowled.

"Nonononono, just thinking on how to work him into the wedding, as maybe a ring bearer?"

Izuku rolled his eyes before staring before him. A small building just collapsed to show the students?

"Ready for the crushing of UA? Did you tell them?"


"Wow, how gutsy, Shouta."

"Stop calling me by my given name."

"Hmph, fine."

Oh dear, here comes chaos.

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