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Once again, another explosion occured as Hatsume tried to figure out what in the world was wrong with it. Meanwhile, Izuku stood by, watching with unusual fascination at the machine.

Why wasn't Izuku having some sort of panic attack at the loud noise or getting at least upset about it? After all, Izuku didn't like loud noises, which was kinda funny since his best friend's quirk was literally explosions.

The answer was on his fluffy green head. To be precise, a pair of white, soundproof headphones sat on his ears, muffling the spund to where he could tolerate it. How in the world did Hatsume manage to do her inventing without some sort of protection, he didn't know. Maybe Hatsume did and he didn't notice.

Izuku was mildly surprised when Hatsume dragged him in, but that soon faded into happiness when he realized that he could get along with this mad scientist.

Too bad he couldn't say the same to other people, cough cough, that red and white haired boy, cough cough.

Perhaps it was because Hatsume had willingly started talking to him at a rate fast enough for him to almost forget about his awfulness at talking. Or talking almost enough for both of them. One of the two.

He was broken out of his thoughts when the person in question tapped on his shoulder frantically.

"Ah - Yeah, Hatsume?" Izuku took off his headphones to hear what she had to say.

"Call me Mei-chan!"


"Yeah! Exactly!" Mei grinned before continuing, "Hey, Izuku, wanna try it?"

"Try what?"

"Making your own invention!"

"But," Izuku protested, "what about Power Loader-sensei? I don't think I'm allowed to touch any of the devices and stuff. And, oh no! I gotta get back! I was supposed to be having lessons with Principal Nezu five minutes ago!" The clock on the wall almost seemed like it was mocking him, the seconds hand was going pretty fast.

Quickly taking off the headphones, he passed them to Mei, only for her to shove it back to him.

"Keep 'em!" Mei said.

"But - "

"It's fine," she waved, "They're clean, mostly new, and practically yours. Use them when you come back!"

"But I gotta owe you something right?" Izuku pressed.

"Sure!" Mei smiled. "When you come back, help me make some babies!"

Someone passing by the lab choked.

"Okay! But Mei, out of context," Izuku said, using a phrase that Nezu had taught him a day earlier, "that sounda weird!"

Besides, he didn't want a romantic relationship. Did he? Maybe not now... but would he have one? He shook his head, trying to forget about those thoughts. He could deal with them later.

"Hey, weren't you saying something about being late? Are you gonna go or?"

"Shoot, thanks, Mei-chan!" Izuku yelled behind him as he ran out the door. Mei popped out of the lab and waved.

"See ya later!"


Izuku rushed through the halls. Looking at the time, he knew there was only a few minutes before the hallways once again would be crowded with people. After what seemed like forever, he finally reached Nezu's door. He reached for the door, only for it to open for him.

"Hello, Izuku!" The principal stood  right in front of him. "How was it in the support course rooms?"

"Sorry, Nezu-sensei, but - " his brain stopped as he took in what the stoat had said. "Wait, how'd you kn - "

"How'd I know? Well, when you didn't come back after a while, I was a bit worried," Nezu explained as he turned to go back into his office. Izuku followed him inside. "So I looked through the security cameras throughout the school, of course. Even if I hadn't, I would've been able to make a similar guess. After all, the Hatsume Industries logo on those headphones is quite glaringly obvious."

Izuku flushed. "Sorry!"

"Don't be, I assune you simply lost track of time. Next time though, make sure you come back on time, okay? Now, where were we in our lessons?"


"Hey, nerd."


"Yeah, yeah, how's today?"

It was already the end of the school day, and Izuku was about to pack up to go home when Kacchan showed up.

"Where's Dad?" Izuku asked.

Kacchan pointed over his shoulder. "Hobo got hung up with one of the extras in my class about the project we got or something."

"Kacchan, Dadzawa's not a hobo, you've been to our house before." A small burst of pride puffed up in his chest. It was their house. Theirs. Izuku patted Mamoru next to him. Asuka was somewhere in the office, probably behind him.

"He looks like one, have you seen his eyebags properly?" Kacchan snorted.

"My eyebags are none of your concern, Bakugou."


"Hey, sensei."

Dadzawa turned to Izuku. "Ready to go?"

"Can Kacchan come with us?"

"If he wants to."

"Hey, Kacchan, wanna come with us?"

"Sure, nerd, sure."

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