Let's Get Down to Business

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Izuku smiled as he sat in his seat, listening to his dad talk about the upcoming Provisional Hero License Exam that was the next day. It seemed pretty interesting and not only that, but it was an important step to being a hero.

Wow, Nezu'd be proud of his inner thoughts' grammar and spelling.

Izuku hummed quietly as Dadzawa continued his speech and ended it with, "Once you gain this, you're on your way to being proper heroes, from eggs to baby chicks."

"Aw hell yeah! We're gonna be chicks!" the yellow-haired boy yelled excitedly. Kacchan liked to call this guy Dunce Face or Rip-off Pikachu.


Izuku really doubts that's his name.

The class, rather than laughing at the unknown teenager's sentence, agree with him and they start cheering and clapping. The room went back to being quiet after a minute or so. Dadzawa stares at them for a moment before sighing... is that a smile? Izuku really wanted to giggle. But he doubt his dad would be happy about that, so he kept quiet.

"With that said, please get to the school by 2 so that we can get om the bus to the Provisional Hero License Exam site. Now, get your notebooks out, it's time for English."

At that announcement, Izuku pulled out his noise-canceling headphones and pulled out his own work to do. As much as he would really like to actually be part of the class and do their work along with them, Izuku was in the woods for twelve years.

As you might know, if you do that, you're gonna have a lot of catching up to do. And for Izuku, that meant schoolwork.

He scribbles away in a notebook, referencing to his book of exercises, containing information on a variety of subjects.

Although it was unlikely he'd be able to join the class, Izuku was pretty happy he was at least among them. That's all he could've asked for, to be a part of something. No criticism of his quirklessness.

(He totally wasn't getting some of the big words from his vocab list he had in his hand. Nope, no way.)

Present Mic's POV

Present Mic smiled as he burst into Class 1a. "YO, LITTLE LISTENERS! TIME FOR SOME ENGLISH, DIG IT??!!!"

Some of the class winced at his loud voice. Hmm, he'd have to quiet down just a tad bit. Sometimes, he forgets that as much as his voice is normal to himself and the facualty and the third years, some are still adjusting. Even if it is almost three-quarters of the way into the year.

Yep, he was going to be a super understanding teacher!

"Let's see what you guys got! Open up to that homework I assigned you!" Present Mic scanned the room quickly, almost missing the tuft of green hair that he swore that he's seen before.

Green hair, green hair, this kiddo must be that new student. Nezu didn't give away all the information about him, privacy reasons, but Present Mic did know that he had a different curriculum than the rest of his class. A bit ofd, but oh well.

He grins as everyone finally takes out their work. "Alright! Let's get this show on the road! Ashido! Give us the answer to number one!"

"Uh... it's B?"

"Rocking, but how do you say that??"

Present Mic then had to listen to Ashido attempt to say 'I know someone who is fifteen'. It was understandable and the kid tried hard.

He absolutely loved his job! Too bad he can never get a shout during the entrance exam!


From there, the day passed by. From English to Modern Literature, to History until finally, the bell rang for lunch.


"Yo, nerd. Nerd. Nerd."

Bakugou resorted to flicking his finger at the green-haired boy's head and Deku looked up, startled, before relaxing and taking off his headphones.

"Yeah, Kacchan?"

"It's lunchtime, c'mon."

Deku shook his head and leaned down to his bag. After a bit of rustling around, Deku pulled out a lunch bag.

"I'm all set!"

Bakugou blinked before saying, "Alright then, see you later, Deku." He stands up and goes to the door, looking back at Deku before closing the door.

Izuku POV

When the door closes, Izuku sighs in relief, and he takes out his sandwich, a drink, a fruit -

"Bonjour, mon ami! How come you're not in the lunchroom?"

Izuku jumps out of his seat before turning to where the voice came from. A blonde, rather sparkly boy stood next to him.


A pale yellow piece of cheese was dropped onto Izuku's hand. He stares at the cheese before eating it. Oh wow, it tastes nice.

"Want another one?" the boy asks and Izuku shakes his head.

"My name is Aoyama, nice to meet you, Aizawa Izuku! You didn't answer my question!"

"It's a bit too crowded."

Aoyama nods, understanding. He goes back to his seat with a fancy lunch. "Well, that makes sense. I hope you have a good time in this class! It's chaotic, yes, but it's not as bad as some may say."

"Besides the villains part."

"Oui, besides the villains part."

The two ate lunch and as people started to trickle back into the room, Izuku smiled.

He can do this.

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