Chapter 3

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(Y/n's prov)

As I was walking back towards the tree I had the same feeling of something watching me through the trees. I kept looking behind me but didn't see anything other than a few animals so I just assumed it was them and kept walking. But once I was finally there I began looking for a spot to sit before remembering the cave under the tree. I smiled and ran around the tree like a little kid and began moving a few roots out of my way until I had a clear way into the cave.

I then began making my way into the cave careful not to step on or slip on the rocks that were scattered along the caves floor and looked around. The ceiling had roots sticking out with bugs all of kinds mostly beatles crawling across them, with spiders making nests in them. I scrunched up my face and pulled my hood up making sure no bugs or spider falls down my hood or lands on my head and continued walking into this cave.

As I was walking in the cave I didn't really see much did to it being dark and not having a light source until I saw three large tunnels which were bigger than me. My eyes widen as I wondered what or who could have made them before seeing small designs on the sides of them. I began making my way towards the middle tunnel before hearing something behind me. I froze and listened before hearing what sounded like a snake slithering across the dirt covered ground. I calmed down thinking just that a snake slithering across the ground and continued looking at the symbols seeing that it made a name. But before I could read it I heard a males voice yell

"Why are you here!"

I wiped around to see who was yelling at me and saw a shadow looming over me with bright glowing red eyes. I yelped and felt something touch my foot making jump and stomp on it in reaction before running past him and hearing him grunt in pain before hearing him growl which sounded something like a mixture of a wolf's growl and a snakes hiss causing me to run faster out of the cave almost tripping on one of the rocks. Before running up and out the cave away from the tree with my hood still up on my head.

As I was running I could hear something chasing me. I glanced back for a split second before tripping over something and falling onto my stomach. I groaned and grabbed my stomach before seeing that I tripped over a large branch. I shook my head at how clumsy I was and flipped over onto my back to see what was chasing me.

He was half man, half snake. He looked around my age, bright red eyes, ash blonde hair, and a muscular build. I then looked down at his snake tail that started at his hips and saw that it was dark grey on top with bright orange markings, light grey under belly, and a orange tip the same one from that day when I fell off the branch and earlier today. My eyes widen at the realization and looked back up at his eyes which were now way closer to mine, close enough to see his pupils which were more like snakes instead of humans going from thin slits to being dilated making them look like ovals.

I froze and slowly felt something wrap around me restricting both my arms and legs from moving. I looked down to see his tail wrapped around me until it stopped at my chest. At this point I was terrified and watched as his tail began bringing me closer to his face a few feet above the ground. I glanced at his face before quickly closing my eyes in fear of being eaten and slowly felt my body go limp and my eyes growing heavy to the point where I couldn't open them and fell into a pit of black.

But after what felt like seconds I opened my eyes in a panic before slowly calming down and seeing that it was now the late afternoon, almost dark before looking around to only see trees, and brushes with my book in hand, andy hood off my head. I then noticed that I was in a different part of the woods then where I was before. I was confused since it felt so real but decided not to dwell on it too much and stood up.

Placing my book back in my bag before dusting myself off feeling and seeing something fall off the top of my head. I looked down to see the same flower from that big tree and picked it up before looking around to not see anyone or anything that could have placed it on my head. Before looking back down at the flower in hand and remembered the ash blonde Naga. Before pulling out my book and placing the flower in it preserving it before placing it back in my bag and walking back towards my house.

As I was walking back it started to get dark and I could see everyone either closing their stores and turning off the lights making the roads darker or people running back home because it was getting dark. But once I made it home I dusted my self off one more time and opened the front door to see both my parents were standing near the door crossing their arms over the chests as if I snuck out the house and they just got caught coming back into the house. Before hearing my dad yell

"Where have you've been?! You know how late it is!"

"It's not that late-"

"That's not the point! You have a curfew and you need to be he by that time."

As dad was going off on me I could see mom wanted to calm him down but was conflicted whether I deserved it or not. But eventually she did tell him to calm down and that it wasn't that big of a deal. He looked at mom with a *seriously* look before looking back at me. He then shook his head at me and told me to go up stairs and that it was time for bed. I sighed and nodded before saying good night and went up stairs to take a shower and hop into bed. But while I was showering I looking at my stomach to see that I had a dark purple bruise.

"Ugh damn it."

I shook my head knowing that it was going to hurt for a day or two and thought about something else. I then began thinking about the Naga and why he didn't just eat me like the books said they would. I shook my head and decided that I would go back over to the library and look up more stories of the Naga and see if this has ever happen to anyone else.

I then got out the shower and got dressed before walking out the bathroom and into my bedroom. I then hopped into bed and slowly started thinking about tomorrow and what I might find before slowly falling asleep.

~1225 words~

I know it's a short chapter but it is apart two of chapter 2 so...

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