Chapter 10

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Once I was up and dressed I grabbed my hood. And slowly opened my door only to have it creak loudly before quickly swinging it open. Stopping it before it hit the wall and gazed down the dark hall towards my parents door and watch it. Making sure I didn't see a light turn on. While I listened hard to make sure I didn't hear them move or say something. Being able to breath a sigh of relief once I was sure and moved forward leaving the door open.

And walked down the wooden steps hearing the house breath around me as the creaks in the walls, and steps relaxed. As I crept down the stairs onto the wooden floor. Once down to the main floor the place felt erie with all of the lights off and the pale moon light showing through the windows making little designs across the floor and table. Giving everything a cold but calm feeling. Feeling like even the quietest of noises could be heard in that moment. Before I shook off the feeling and walked towards the front door, pulling up my hood and shoes before opening the door. Feeling a gently breeze flow passed me sending a chill through me and shivered.

Quickly stepping out onto the steps and quietly closed the door behind me. Before I began walking towards Bakugou's place. Enjoying the rather quiet night with the few crickets singing into the night sky. Seeing bits of lights blink on and off from the passing fireflies. As the stars shown through the clear dark blue sky having a faint glow on the earth below. As I walked down the path in my village. Seeing the dark windows of people's homes and the empty shops sit and wait til morning to wake. And continued walking eventually walking up to the woods and walk inside. Knowing full well that everything in here would be asleep, except for Bakugou. Or at least I'd hope he's not asleep. But since it seemed like he had something important I would assume he'd be awake. And began walking a little faster curious what he wanted to talk about tonight.

But after walking for a little bit I stepped over a few bushes in the way and looked up. To see dark purple flowers on dark green vines lined up against the tree. With what looked like fireflies swirling around them lighting up a tiny bit of the area with a warm hue. And was shocked not having expected this but also intrigued on why he might have done this and followed the flowers. Climbing up the tree like I normally would getting into the bed of the tree and stopped.

Seeing different flowers poke out of the dark green leaves on the branches with fireflies flying around. With some of them hiding in the petals of the flowers crating beautiful different colors. While the vines holding the flowers crawled it's way through the branches out into the open having light green leaves sprout from it going against the dark green leaves. Only being noticable if the leaves were right next to the flowers. Before looking down at the bed of tree to see it cleaned out. Having been removed of all dead leaves and twigs that used to lay there. As the perfect amount of moon light shined through the leaves and onto the bed of the tree. Making clover like designs across the bed. Before I heard Bakugou come up next to me.

"So.. what do you think?"

"It's beautiful.. Why did you do this? Is today some special occasion?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said that he was bored. Before slithering off towards one of the thicker branches. Feeling like something was slightly off but just thought it was me. And followed after him up the branch. Noticing a glass jar of fireflies with a cap over with was curious what he was going to do with them. Before seeing him slither up the branch towards the top and stopped, confused.

"Where you going?"

"To the top, what's it look like?"

I didn't really trust the fact that both of our weights would be up on the top of the trees and so was a little hesitant. Before I heard him say that it was fine and that if these branches can hold him they could hold me. Making me feel a little bit better but was still worried. But while I was worrying about it I felt the branch shake and looked up to see him infront of me looking at me. With his bright eyes shining from the moonlight seeping through the leaves of the tree. While having the warm hues of the fireflies gently kiss his skin. Feeling my heart begin to speed up. And my face heat up.

"It'll be fine, now come on."

He then turned around and climbed back up to where he was as I followed. Noticing his tone to be softer than it normally would but continued to follow. Until getting to a good spot in the tree on a thick branch and sat down. As he wrapped his tail around the branch and looked up. Following his gaze to see the dark blue sky with bright stars going against the blue sprinkled across the sky. With a small bright moon in the middle. Finding the scenery calming and relaxed a little gazing down to see the warm lights of the fireflies start to move up to where we were. Looking back up at the sky and smiled happy to be here seeing the fireflies slowly fly away. Before Bakugou handed me the jar looking up at him to see him motion me to open it. And did so seeing the fireflies creep out the jar and out into the sky looking like stars. Floating away and smiled closing the cap and placed the jar in my lap with a hand over it to keep it from falling. And looked back up to the sky relaxing into the scenery when I felt something move on the branch.

Looking down to see his hand inch close to my hand but freeze. When I saw it move towards me. Looking up at him to see him with a bashful look and smiled. Looking back down at his hand and slowly place my hand on his wrapping my fingers around his hand. Feeling my heart start to speed up even though I was the one to grab his hand. Before I felt his hand move up a little and his fingers grab onto mine and smiled ignoring the burning sensation on my face and looked up at him. Picking up his hand and moved closer to him until I was closer and rested my head on his shoulder. Feeling him tense up for a spilt second before relaxing. And felt him lift the arm that was holding my hand and wrap his arm around me. Pulling me closer now holding my hand across my chest. And relaxed into him as we continued to look up at the sky.

"Thank you Bakugou."

He hummed before going silent for a second. Like he was thinking about something he was about to say.


"Call me by my first name, Katsuki."

I looked at him to see him looking down at me with oval like pupils. Feeling my heart race and my temperature rise. Before I turned back at the sky and hummed relaxing into him again and sighed.

"Thank you Katsuki."

~1290 words~

{I don't normally do stuff this sweet so tell me what you think about it. And tell me if you liked the little dialogue in this chapter as well.♡ }

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