Chapter 14

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~Y/n's pov~

Once they'd gone to bed I quickly got out of mine and quietly headed downstairs. Pulling on my boots and new hood before stepping out into the moonlit ground. Noticing the silver thread of a snake shine from under the light on my hood, smiling at how pretty it was. Reminding myself to thank Occhaco again. Before pulling it over my head and starting my way down the dirt roads. Enjoying the quietness of my walk taking notice of the dark houses sitting along the road and breathed in the cool air. Looking up at the stars before turning into the forest.

Relishing in the soft sounds of the night. With the crickets playing their music and the distant sound of running water with the comforting sounds of frogs singing to each other. Walking up to Katsuki's place to see it still and quiet. And grabbed a pebble before throwing it up into the bed of the tree. Hearing a soft thud and waited, leaning against the tree slowly starting to think that he was asleep until I saw something move next to me. Looking over to see his head pop out from behind the tree and wave me over. Tilting my head and walk over.

Seeing him slither down into the cave below as I got closer and carefully slid down the stones and roots. Stopping just inside the cave where the moonlight stopped and waited, wondering what he was doing. Hearing him shuffle some dirt around and knocking over a few stones. Sighing to myself before speaking.

"Kat, you know I can't see-"

I saw the tip of his tail flick itself into the light as he told me to give him a sec before his tail disappeared again. Puzzled about what he was doing and sat down on one of the roots. Turning my gaze up onto the night sky witnessing the sparkling stars and the bright moon shining through the leaves of the trees. Making the cracked patterns across the ground that I've come to know. Being able to see quite a bit away from where I was.

Hearing the nightlife continue to sing before a loud crack caught my attention up in the branches. Looking up to see leaves shudder before I heard Katsuki come back. Turning to him to see him with something behind his back. Tilting my head and watch as he lowered himself to my level, sitting on his tail.

"What do you have there?"

He bit his lower lip before pulling out his hands to reveal an old book. With worn leather, dirty gold edges, and worn pages with messy but readable ink. With random ink splotches. Noticing the different types of flowers in between each page, pressed and dry looking. Feeling a smile growing on my face, as the moonlight glowed down on us.

Having him watch as I flipped through the tattered pages before asking if I liked it. Hearing the nervousness in his voice and hummed. Closing the book, setting it down on the side before standing up and kissing his forehead. Pulling back and looking at him holding his jaw firmly but gently with my left hand.

"Got your answer?"

He hummed, thinking about it. Pupils growing with adoration and playfulness dancing in his eyes before he said that he might need a few more kisses to know for sure. Smiling down at him before saying very well and kissing him again, and again, and again. Until he laughed into our kiss and hugged me pulling me close, grabbing my book, before he lifted me and took me to the bed of the tree. Giggling to myself once we were in the bed and got closer. Continuing to kiss each other as he mumbles how beautiful I am tonight, feeling my heart swell with affection.

"You're so sweet when you want to be, y'know that."

He hummed as he kissed my forehead and told me to get used to it. Smiling up at him and said I plan on to. And kissed him again.

~Monoma's Pov~

I felt something in me lurch at the sight of them getting closer. Smiling at one another before resting their foreheads against each other as a gentle breeze swept through. Watching his arm wrap around them. While the leaves above shifted to shine more moonlight on them. Looking up at the stars and moon and feeling a sense of longing as I remembered the times when we would sit with each other and watch the sky.

Feeling my heart begin to rip itself apart. As quiet tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision. When I breathed in the cool air and stopped when I heard the familiar voice of my dad telling me not to cry. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand before turning back to them as they slept in one another arms. Before muttering to myself that I had to try.

Thinking up reasons as to why they were with him. Like maybe he poisoned them in some way. Or tricked them to make them love him. Knowing that had to be the reason and promised to save them from his claws. Taking one more look at them before climbing down the tree and getting back to the village. Walking towards my home to see the warm light of a candle shining through the window.


I walked toward the back of the house and quietly opened the door. Taking my shoes off on the steps before stepping in and setting them down. Closing the door behind me and crept down the narrow hallway. Peering around the stairs to see her reading a book. Wrapped up in a warm blanket with tea and a candle sitting on the table next to her. Biting the inside of my cheek thinking about what I could do. Deciding to just quickly head upstairs and did just that.

Swiftly sneaking up the stairs when I stepped on the squeaky floorboard.


"Damn it... Yeah, mom?"

"What are you doing out of bed this late?"

I heard her close her book and stand up as the old chair creaked from the weight loss. And turned around pulling down my hood. She then walked into view and looked over my face.

"What's wrong honey? You look upset."

She gently rested her hand on my cheek and I felt the thin wall I had in place crack as tears filled my eyes again and my face heat up.

"Aw, baby. Come here."

She gently pulled me into a hug. Wrapping my arms around her as she did to me. And breathed in the sweet smell of tea and mint. Feeling her rub my back before she asked if I wanted to talk about it. Shaking my head and felt her hum an okay. Before she asked if I wanted tea and for her to read to me what she was reading. Like she would do when I was younger and nodded my head.

Following her into the kitchen as she made me some tea, taking off my hood. Before following her into the dark living room. With only the candle being the source of light. Sitting down against her chair after she sat down and slowly drank my tea. Feeling her wrap a warm blanket around my shoulders before she opened her book and started reading. Setting the half-empty cup down on the table and rested my head against her leg and closed my eyes. Letting the sound of her voice help me forget what I saw, forget what I knew before I fell asleep.

~1278 words~

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