Chapter 4

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(Y/n's prov)


I looked around and could see that it was the early morning. I stretched out before getting up and walking over towards my closet and getting dressed in some long sleeves, and dark blue pants, before grabbing some socks and walked off into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

Once that was done I went down stairs to see if anyone else was awake and surprisingly they weren't. Causing me to smile and grab a piece of paper and wrote a note saying


I'm going to the library for a little bit and will be back soon.

Love you both


I then opened the front door to be met with a grey gloomy day with light rain. I sighed knowing that my hood was dirty and went back up onto my room to grab another hood that I only use when I need too and put it on. It was greenish grey, hung a few inches above my feet, made of some sorta of cloth, while having two clips on both sides of the hood allowing me to clip it together and keep it from falling off.

Once I had it on I took off and closed the door behind me careful not to make much noise and began making my way towards the library. As I was making my way towards the library I saw the same scenery as I do most days. People waking up getting ready for the day, people opening their shops and greating other people, or people taking care of their horses. I would occasionally wave or say hello to someone as they pasted and kept walking until I was infront of the library ran by Ms Inko and her son Izuku.

It was mainly built out of dark wood, big golden words saying "Inko and son's book shop", a dark green door, and large glass windows displaying books of the person's choice, with gold trim trailing the windows, with the sign on the window saying that they were open. I smiled and walked in hitting the bell above the door and heard Inko's sweet, soft voice call out

"Welcome to my book shop. What can I do you for?"

I looked over to my left and saw her sitting at her desk looking down at a book with half her dark green hair in a loose bun, and the other half let loose covering the back of her neck, while she wore small glasses, and a white long sleeves shirt under a dark purple-ish pink sweater.

"Hello Ms Inko, I just came in here to do some research."

She looked up from her book looking at me with her bright green eyes and asked what I was researching. I thought about it for a moment before saying

"I'm just looking up some old legends."

She smiled and said okay in her sweet voice and went back to her book while telling me that Izuku was somewhere in the back of the shop if I needed any help. I said okay and began walking towards the back where the books about legends and monsters would be at. But as I was walking towards the back I heard loud mumbling from one of the shelves and decided to see who it was knowing that it was probably Izuku. I looked around one of the shelves where the mumbling was coming from and saw Izuku with his back turned towards me with his nose in a book.

I watched as he continued mumbling and got a great idea. I smirked and began sneaking up on him and once I was close enough I quickly grabbed his shoulders shaking them violently and yell



He then wiped around and saw me. He was shaking before pouting and whined

"Y/n I-I've asked you not to do that anymore."

I continued to laugh until eventually apologizing and said that it was just too easy. He looked at me with a slightly annoyed look before sighing and asked what I was doing here.

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