Chapter 11

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Time skip

(Y/n's pov)

"You know Katsuki, it's been a few weeks since Monoma left. Do you think he's okay?"

I tilted my head up, watching him look through the forest. Before he looked down at me.

"I'm sure he's fine."

"But what if-"

"Quit worrying, I'm sure he's fine."

"I know but- I don't know. We've never been apart like this. We've always been together even when we were little."

I felt him hum as he gently rubbed my back. And relaxed my head on his chest listening to his relaxing heart beat, while thinking about what might be going on with Monoma before I heard him speak. Sending vibrations through his chest.

"If you're really that worried I could do something to help you forget. You know so you can stop worrying so damn much."

I looked at him, sitting up, feeling his hands on my waist, making sure I wouldn't fall and asked what he meant. Having him move to where he was sitting up straighter and pull me closer placing my hands on his shoulders to see a knowing look.

"Oh, I see~"

He chuckled glancing down at my lips and gently grabbed my chin. As his arm pulled me even closer, before we heard the snap of twigs and the crunch of leaves. Stopping for a second before I heard a soft huff from under the tree. Noticing Katsuki's pupils go from ovals to slits, pushing away a little, and listened.


He let go of me and we both looked down to see Izuku wondering around the forest with his wild dark green hair. Almost skimming over him. Before turning back towards him to see him glaring at Izuku. Stifling a giggle, getting him to look at me and frown.

"Oh, shut up."

I felt my chest shake from wanting to laugh until I took a few breaths. And ruffled his hair.

"Better luck next time~"

I heard him growl as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. Wrapping his other arm around my waist with a amused grin. Grinning back at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, leaner closer with our noses touching when we heard Izuku yell my name again. Pausing before telling him to let go. Which he did, rolling his eyes and said goodbye, kissing his cheek and climbed down the branch, down the tree and met up with Izuku.

"Where were you?"

"I was looking at something."

He looked at me with a skepticism written all over his face. But didn't bother asking any more questions about it and told me that Recovery girl wanted me back. Saying okay and went back with Izuku, talking about how his day was and how Todoroki were doing. Saying that his day was good and was actually spending some time with Todoroki. Reading in the library about a few things he found interesting.

Thinking that was nice that he was spending time with him, getting him to break his shell a bit. And continued talking until we made it to Recovery girls building. Saying goodbye and going our separate ways. Stepping into her building and announcing myself since she's been a little caught up in her work lately.

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