Chapter 16

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~Y/n's pov~

After spending a few hours with him the sky had turned to a rosy gold. Figuring it would be a good time to go back and kiss him goodbye. Telling him I'd be back soon and to wait for me near the edge of the woods. Kissing him on the forehead just below the flower crown I had made for him. With red, orange, and yellow flowers before I placed the jewel in my pocket. Climbing down the tree and placed my hand on the jewel as I walked back towards my home. Feeling love and happiness swirl in my chest as I neared the village. Careful not the drop the flower crown he had made for me.

With three of my favorite colored flowers, closing my eyes trailing my thumb over the smooth surface of the jewel when I felt hands grab me. Letting go of the jewel, opened my eyes, and slung my arm back at the person who was holding onto me. Punching their nose, when someone yelled and grabbed both my hands. Looking over and stomping their foot releasing my hands and hitting the other person.

With two men grabbing both my upper arms and locking my hands together with a third person grabbing my hands. Looking around to see the villagers walking up to me, standing around me with an emotion I hadn't seen before pointed at me, hatred and disgust. Feeling my heart panic and frantically looked around for anyone that could help me before turning to see Aizawa walk out of the crowd with a dark expression.

"Aizawa what's -"


I felt my voice die in my throat as Endeavor commended me. Feeling my hairs stand on end as I gazed back at Aizawa, with fear growing in the pit of my stomach. While seeing the pain in his eyes grow as he glared at me.

"You have broken one of our most sacred laws and must be punished for your crimes."

"What crimes?! I didn't do anything wrong- Monoma, Izuku help me! Tell them I did nothing wrong!"

I pulled against the hands of the men holding me. Trying everything I could, trying to get out of their hands. When they kicked behind my legs and made me fall to my knees. Seeing my flower crown fall from my head and roll onto the dirt with petals falling off when someone picked it up. Looking up to see Monoma holding the crown and inspecting it. Feeling my heart pound in my chest as I thought, "he's going to help me. I'm going to be saved." When he sneered at the crown and ripped it apart, feeling tears form and burn through my eyes as my mouth opened to speak but nothing came out.

Before he turned to me and knelt in front of me becoming eye-to-eye with me.

"You shall die for what you have committed."

Everything stilled once those words left his mouth. Making my heart cry as my tears fell, looking around to see everyone around me turn away and shun me. Before I was dragged off by the men with the leaders following behind.

"NOO!! I did everything I was supposed to! Please! MOM!!"

~Monoma's pov~

As the men dragged them off, I watched as they kicked and screamed for anyone to listen and help them. But I along with everyone else that surrounded them turned away, listening to their screams and pleas fade. Feeling my heart tear itself to shreds, glancing at the flower crown crumpled to the ground before anger and jealousy grew. Turning away and waiting for the time the leaders lay them out for everyone to see.

(Time skip)

After a short time, the leaders killed them, having each leader stab them in the chest. Before one of the leaders -Aizawa- had laid them out before everyone. Seeing his disappointed and torn face stare down at the body before him. Seeing friends such as Deku crying with his mom rubbing his shoulder, Todoroki staring down in disbelief and tears slowly forming in his eyes, and Uraraka crying onto her mom's shoulder.

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