Chapter 13

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Y/n's pov

It's been a few months since Monoma has come back. And because of that certain things have had to change. Mainly with Katsuki and me. Having to work around my new work schedule, and spending time with Monoma. Making sure nothing seems out of place with him being back and all. And it's been going well. I would wake up in the morning, sometimes early if I wanted to take a walk or say hi to Katsuki. Go to the Recovery girl's office and work there for a bit. Before leaving mid-afternoon and help around if anyone needed, and spend some time with Monoma. And once my day is done then I would spend some time with Katsuki. If I wasn't exhausted.

But if I needed sleep I would stay home and sleep. And if Monoma wanted to go hunting we would take a different part of the forest. But other than that things were going great. Though Katsuki have been have been acting a little strange. But I didn't think too much about it since he was just being sweeter to me and softer than normal. And appreciated the softness I was getting from him.

But today was different. Because it was my birthday today. So I get up with a pep in my step and a little smile on my face, get dressed and head downstairs to grab something to eat. Saying hello to my mom and dad who both say happy birthday to me, each giving me a big hug. Before heading off to work. Passing a few people who said hello saying hello back and walked into Recovery Girls building. Getting things set up before getting to work. Not getting much done when Recovery Girl came in and asked what I was doing.

"I'm just writing down the dates for the roots."

"No, you're not. You're off for the day."

"No, it's fine. I'll just finish-"

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. Before telling me to get out and that I needed to go do something else. Getting up to put some things away before being pushed towards the door. Surprised how such a small woman could push me so easily. And quickly stepped out the door. Hearing her say happy birthday to me and to go do something fun before closing the door. Shocked at what just happened and thought about what I could do. Thinking about it for a moment before deciding to go walk around. In case someone needed help but as I walked around I saw that no one needed help and went to walk along the forest line.

Enjoying the quietness of the forest when I heard a soft crunch behind me. And sighed.

"Hello, Monoma."

I waited thirty seconds before he came out of hiding and said hello. Turning to him with a knowing smile and asked why he was following me. Expecting him to fold as he normally would but instead, he avoided the question and asked me what I was doing.

"I'm taking a walk."

"By yourself?"

I smiled and said that I wasn't alone, referring to him. To watch him roll his eyes at me with a smile on his face and begin walking with me. As we enjoyed the atmosphere around us, comforting us.

"Happy birthday Y/n."

We continued walking having a smile on my face and thanked him. Side-hugging me before he pulled back and told me to hold still. Stopping, and asking what he was about to do. Seeing him pull his arm back and yelped running off. Hearing him chase after me and told him to screw off.

"No, you do this to me every year! Now's my turn!"

I felt a yell erupt in my chest through my throat and tried to reason with him. Doing as I did every year when he would try and get me back. Promising him that I would get him his favorite candy if he left me alone or that I'd stop doing it to him if he didn't hit me this year.

"No, no you can just bargain your way out of this!"

"Why?! It worked plenty of times before!"

"It's been long enough, now it's time to make it even."

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