Chapter 9

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Y/n's pov

"So.. what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking of sleeping."

I gazed over at Izuku and lightly shook my head and went back to staring at the ceiling above. Seeing the dark wood covered in dark shadows before getting an idea. Grabbing Izuku's hand and telling him to follow after me. Surprising him but began walking none the less. Out of his and his moms library and all the way up to recovery girls building and knocked on the door. Opening it moments later hitting the new bell above and went towards the back.

"Who's there?!"

"Just me Recovery girl!"

I heard her mumble to herself. Possibly about me disturbing her and her work and closed the door. Before I began looking for some plants that could be hard to tell apart in the cabinets above the sink. Eventually hearing Izuku ask me what I was doing. Turning to him seeing that he was looking at me curious with his arms crossed over his chest and said that I was simply looking for a few plants. Hearing him sigh saying okay. Before finding the plants I was looking for.

"Alright, since you didn't have anything to do I decided we could learn about plants. Or at least I could try and teach what I know about plants to you."

He looked at me skeptically before at the plants and pulled out a book. Flipping through the pages stopping a few times to read the words. But closing the book with a snap and looked up at me.

"How about instead of you teaching me we test you about your plant knowledge."

I frowned a bit. But knew that I did kinda need help on remembering a few plants. And thought it couldn't hurt to try and said sure. Seeing him smile and walk passed me. Grabbing as much jars of plants as he could and walk passed me, out the room we were in and towards an empty room. That was normally for storage and followed after him as I watched him find a table and clear it. By pushing stuff towards the side and sitting down. Motioning me to do the same and sat down.

He then pulled out his book and start flipping through the pages. Stoping eventually and pulling the first jar had out in front of me. With it being filled with a few peach colored roots. Knowing immediately what it was before he asked me what the plant was inside.


"Okay simple. How about this."

He then pulled out a jar with a similar root inside.


He nodded and marked something down in a note book that he normally had in his pocket. Having gotten that from his dad before he left. Before pulling out another jar of dried looking roots and asked me what it was.

"Uhh... I'm not even sure what that is."

He marked something down in his notebook before pulling a jar full of green leaves. And asked me what they were. Recognizing the plant to be Goldenseal. Seeing him nod and then pull the jar of roots back up and said that those were the same as the leaves inside the other jar. And that they could be used as both roots or as leaves.

"How was I supposed to know?"

"Don't worry you will be the time we're done. Or after a few more times of doing this. All if you want too of course."

I sighed pouting a little bit and watched as he continued to pull out random jars of plants and roots. Watching as I guessed which were which, getting a few right as he nodded his head not writing anything down. And some wrong as he didn't do anything and see him write it down in his note book. And to my surprise it went on like this for a few hours. Until Recovery girl came in and asked what we were doing.

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