Chapter 7

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~Y/n's pov~

As we were walking down, deeper into the tunnel it was dead silent. With the exception of the crunches of dirt from under both my shoes and Bakugou, and the drops of rain water finding its way through the cracks leading to the ground. But other than that it was silent between him and I, before I looked back and saw him looking at me.


"Tch, nothing."

I lightly shook my head and continued walking until I got into another area of the cave seeing a large hole up above this one spot. Allowing the rain to fall through, with a bunch of miniature holes. Having streams of grey light pour in allowing me to see the ground covered in dark green grass, with a few different colored flowers. Sprinkled across the ground. One catching my eye with it's pedals being a mixture of pink, purple, and possible blue. With it's stigma being covered in yellow pollen. Making my eyes widen at how beautiful it was, causing me to say wow and look around.

To see vines starting from the ground, climbing up to the ceiling. With either leaves, blood red roses with thorns, or other types of flowers. And to be honest I thought this was beautiful, before hearing Bakugou ask what I was gawking at. Causing me to sigh and turn towards him to see him leaning on the entrance of the cave. Crossing his arms across his chest lazily, with a confused look.

"I just think that this place is beautiful. Nothing much."

"Really? There's nothing special in here."

"Yeah, but it's a simple beauty. Like with the pond in the other cave, or at the house deep in the woods."

He rolled his eyes saying that I was a simple person before I pouted annoyed at him. And turned back around to look at the cave. Before stopping at the flower getting a closer look at it. Saying that this flower was special before I heard my name being called. And looked up to see Izuku narrowly miss one of the holes in the ground. Causing my eyes to widen and quickly run off, telling Bakugou that it was fun and thanking him for taking me to the house. Before running out of the cave careful not to trip or slip on the now slippery rocks. And ran a little bit away from the cave so Izuku wouldn't go in and called his name.

And after a little bit I called his name again to hear him reply from a few feet away. Before hearing him walk over towards me almost tripping over a log. Stumbling forward a little bit, before catching himself. And said that my parents wanted me home.

"Wait, they want me home now?"

"Yes, now."

My eyes widen and quickly thanked him before turning around and began running through the forest. With Izuku following close behind me. Jumping over a few sticks, careful not to slip on any mud since it was still raining. And eventually made it out of the forest. Stopping to take a quick breather, before running off towards my house. Hearing Izuku stop and say he was going to take a breather. While I kept running.

But as I was getting closer to my house I took a sharp turn sliding on mud. Before sliding into someone, causing both of us to fall on top of each other. Causing the guy under me to grunt.


"I'm sorry I- wait Todoroki?"

"Yeah, could you get off of me."

"Oh yeah, sorry."

I pushed my self off, and gave him a hand. Before we both were now standing and started getting as much mud off ourselves as possible. Before I apologized again and ran off hearing Todoroki say it was fine. And continued running almost slipping again. Before making it to my front door, now having the rain start pouring heavier than before, as well as it getting a little dark out due to the time and to the clouds surrounding the sky. And quickly opened the door, walking in, closing it behind me. Taking off my hood and shoes. Before looking around to see mom in the kitchen with her back turned towards me. While dad was somewhere in the house where I couldn't see him.

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