Chapter 12

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(Y/n's pov)

It was early morning as I snuck back towards my house. Watching as the passing houses sat in the dark without a sliver of life in them. Watched the sky as faint sunlight began to rise and the stars begin to disappear. Quickening the pace, knowing my mom would wake up soon and not wanting to make up something, I was able to make it to my house in a few minutes. Carefully push the door open and step inside. Taking my boots and hood off, and putting them away. Before sneaking towards the stairs. About to walk up the steps before I heard her clear her throat. Freezing in my tracks and waited for mom to say something.

"Why were you out so early?"

Not moving I told her that I was just getting back from a walk. Waiting for mom to respond when I heard her rocking chair creak and see warm light illuminate the room. Slowly turning my head towards her to see her relax back into her chair with an uncertain look. Making me stand frozen before she stood up and walked over to me. Feeling my heart skip a beat when she stood right in front of me. And listened as she asked why I would be out this early for a walk. Quickly thinking of something and quietly said, while glancing down at my feet, still feeling nervous, that I couldn't sleep and needed to get rid of some energy.

Looking back up at her to see her with piercing eyes before they slowly softened. Watching her lift her hand and hold the side of my face in a comforting way. Leaning against her hand and exhaled, realizing I'd been holding my breath until now.

"Have you been worrying about Monoma?"

Shifting my eyes to look off to the side, I nodded, since I have been worrying about him. When I heard her hum and pull me into a gentle hug. Surprised for a second before raising my arms and hugging her back. Feeling her hum as she rubbed my back before she spoke.

"I know just how you feel, I worry about them as well. But I also know that they are a strong group of men. And that they can pull through anything."

I let her continue talking as I remembered times when Monoma would be stuck somewhere or was being chased down by an angry bear. And somehow make it out with only a few small scratches. Smiling at the memories where he would save me from falling or almost getting trampled over by an angry buck. And relaxed into her hug, closing my eyes and feeling myself grow tired. Yawning, I heard mom hum and quietly tell me to go to bed and get some sleep. Slowly nodded my head and went upstairs. Walking into my room, closed my door, and slipped into bed. Resting my head on my pillow, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

|Time skip|

After a few hours of sleeping, I slowly woke up to mom calling me from downstairs. Creaking my eyes open to see streams of sunlight shine through the window and sighed. Rolling over and slipping out of bed. I ran my hand through my hair feeling a twig stuck in it and sighed. Going to the bathroom and got everything out of my hair, before brushing my teeth and hair. When that was done I headed downstairs. Still feeling tired I rubbed my eyes, continuing down the stairs until I felt the main floor.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Hi, mom-"

"Hey, sleepy."

I froze and slowly moved my hands from my eyes to see him, Monoma leaning against the counter with a small grin. Gasping and running up to him. Wrapping my arms around him, effectively squeezing the life out of him, and hid my face in his shoulder. Feeling him wrap me in a hug that felt stiff before he quickly relaxed. Feeling so happy that tears started to prick my eyes. And spoke into his shoulder not wanting to let go.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

I gave him one more tight squeeze before pulling back and whipping my eyes. With a big smile on my face.

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