Prologue Part 1

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Izuku met Tenko when he had just learned how to control his quirk. Instead of running away, Izuku stayed and asked the elder what was wrong.

"Hey you look sad. What's wrong?" A 10 year old Izuku asked 15 year old Tenko. The elder was startled, "Oh, it's nothing. I just can't control my quirk, and I ended up killing my family."

Izuku was startled, but he knew he had to do something to help him. So he did the one thing he knew how to do. "Um, my quirk is can help with that. Just you need to let me into your mind."

The older Tenko jolted upward. "What's your quirk?" The young Izuku just smiled and said, "It's edit, rewind and create quirks."

Tenko's eyes widened. "Can you really help me?" Izuku nodded his head and sat on the ground. Tenko calmed down and nodded saying Izuku can enter his mind. "Okay. Here I go."

____________In Tenko's Head____________

'So what do you want? A different quirk or the same quirk just controllable?' Izuku spoke in Tenko's head. Tenko slightly jolted but remained calm.

'Um.. If possible could you make my quirk the same but I can use my mind to decay. But make it controllable.' Tenko asked Izuku. Izuku started fiddling with Tenko's nerves.

After a while Izuku stopped. 'Well that should do it.' I m coming back to my body.'

___________Out of Tenko's Head_________

"So you wanna be my brother?" Izuku asked Tenko as he got up. "Please. I have no one else." Izuku smiled brightly, "Yay. I have an older brother now."

Tenko laughed as he stood up. He touched Izuku by accident with all his fingers and nothing happened. Tenko smiled and touched himself. Izuku laughed as he pulled Tenko to his house.

A/N: And the others I will do in separate chapters. Prologue's gonna be long. So some spoilers. Toga askes to keep her quirk but make it something different. And Dabi/Touya chooses to change his quirk all together.

----------------Tenko's new quirk----------------

Name: Decay(controllable)
Description: when user wants to decay something he can. He can also control how much he decays an object or something
Drawbacks: user may loose control of it when sick or when user gets a emotion they can't control and the user gets small migraines when using quirk passed it's extent.

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now