Keeping it a Secret is Harder Than it Seems

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------------Izuku's POV-----------

I was about to walk out of school today, but, as I did, I was pushed down by Kaachan. "Now, what was that for, Kaachan?"

He raised an eyebrow, "what was what for, Deku?" I winced and prayed that my siblings / kids wouldn't feel that. They always seemed to be able to know when I was sad.

When Kaachan got in my face I flinched and accidentally-not-accidentally gave myself a quirk. This quirk I named 'the first T'. I sent a message to Tenko who probably got angry and told Dabi I was hurt. ( A/N : I think you must know this is telepathy.)

'Gosh darnit.' I mentally shouted at myself. "Um.. Kaachan? You might want to leave." He looked at me like I was crazy.

He huffed and said, "Like Hell I'm going to leave. I'm not afraid of shit!" I gulped as I felt like Kaachan was going to be hurt. I saw my brothers and sisters running over.

'Oh crap!' I ran in front of Kaachan. Tenko immediately yelled at me, "Izuku, get away from him. He hurt you I want to decay him!" Syria stomped her right foot and created a bo staff.

'Oh no. They brought Syria. They know I can't hurt her.' "Sweetie, get behind Kaachan. And DON'T hurt him." She grumbled a few choice words. And did as I told her. I growled and stood fully up.

Dabi made a gulping sound and his adams apple moved. "WHO TAUGHT SYRIA HOW. TO. SWEAR?!" The wind around me started swirling into a small tornado. I didn't even noticed I had gaven myself a quirk.

Kaachan looked at me baffled as I slowly calmed down. "I'm sorry, little brother. I taught her." I slowly walked up to Dabi. I glared at him and he gulped again.

He shivered and slowly sat got down onto his knees. "I didn't mean to though! It was Shimmy's fault!" I huffed and looked at Tenko.

"Ten-chan. What. Have. I. Told. You about. Swearing." I glared even harder. And as I did that the air turned colder and Kaachan backed away slowly.

Kaachan said, well more like yelled, "Deku, what the fuck was that?! I thought you were quirkless!" Syria smirked and started saying something.

"Hey, papa, what does fuck mean?" I growled and smacked Kaachan. Syria started laughing. Eventually I joined in, so the others, other than Kaachan, joined in.

"Sweetie that was hilarious, but please never say that again." Syria gave a big smile and smacked Kaachan with her lightning bo staff. I snickered slightly and gave myself another quirk.

"Sweetie go back home. Please?" She opened her mouth and I activated the quirk. "Please, sweetie." She nodded and started walking home.

"Okay. Now that she isn't here anymore, who wants to get hurt?" I had totally forgot about Kaachan right now. That is, until he spoke up.

"What the fuck." I turned around. 'Shoot,' I thought.

"Hi Kaachan, so you know my secret now. Can you be nice now?" I altered my quirk to be that of a healing quirk. Then I 'threw' that quirk away.

"I.. um. I was only mean cause I thought that would've helped you." I gasped and started laughing.

"Wow.. okay. Let's go-," I heard something in my head.

"Hey, Izuku, do you hear that too?" Dabi asked as he clutched his head.

I nodded. "I hear it too. Who do you think it is?"

"Maybe it's ********."

A/N: if you have an oc you want me to add tell me their gender, name, quirk, and appearance in the comments. I also need some oc's for the LOV. Also I know Toga wasn't talking in this chapter, but that's because she had a quirk malfunction and transformed fully into a squirrel.

Here are all the quirks Izu used in this chapter. Oh, and when I say he 'threw' away a quirk he discarded it to either give to someone later or use himself later. That's the only drawback of his quirk. That and he can only use the quirk for a couple hours.

Quirk name: the first T
Quirk description: telepathy and may be able to get small forms of the other T's. (Teleportation and telekinesis)
Quirk Drawnacks: depending on how big of an IQ someone has that's how far they can send messages.

Quirk name: aerokinesis
Quirk description: ability to control air molecules. And heat them up or freeze them to create icicles or steam.
Quirk drawbacks: headaches when over used and hungry when over used

Quirk name: Second Chance
Quirk description: can heal most to all injuries. May be able to bring someone back to life, but that puts a lot of strain on the user.
Quirk drawbacks: can put the user into a coma if over used

A/N: so if your oc is quirkless then tell me and tell me if they want a quirk or not. (I'm expanding the class sizes a little I need 5 more oc's)

The format for the oc's

Gender identity

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now