Prologue Part 2

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A/N: This is Toga's past with Deku/Izu. I hope you like it. Hope you like what I did with Toga's quirk.

Toga was running after killing her parents. She didn't mean to, but she did. She sat down on the sidewalk when she got tired. Ironically she sat down right at Izuku's house.

Izuku heard a person crying, so, being the person he is, he went outside and found Toga. He ran down to her and sat beside her. He asked her, "Hey, are you okay?"

Toga jumped at the new voice. She didn't know he was there. When he asked her that question she sighed and explained to him. He nodded while she was talking.

"Um.. I have a quirk that might help. Do you want me to help." She looked at him as if he was crazy. "What do you mean you can help me?" Toga looked at Izuku as he answered her.

"I have a quirk that allows me to change/alter a person's quirk. I think I know what to do for you. I think a blood activated animal change could work for you. Drinking animal blood isn't illegal."

Toga's eyes widen and she hugs Izuku while starting to cry. "Thank you!" He nodded as he patted her back.

He went into her mind as Tenko came out of the house. He saw what Izuku was doing and ran over to them.

"Hi are you getting your quirk changed?" He asked the girl as she nodded. "Okay, warning you he is gonna want his mom to adopt you. Are you okay with that?"

Toga smiled and said, "Yes I am. I've always wanted siblings. I'm Toga, and you guys are?"

"I'm Tenko Midoriya and he's Izuku Midoriya. You'll be Toga Midoriya. Nice to meet you, sister." He smiled at her and she smiled as Izuku got up.

______ In Toga's Head During That ______

'Okay, so I have to go to her blood craving nerve and turn it off. I have to then change the human transforming quirk into a half animal transforming quirk.'

He walked around and heard the others having a cute brother and sister moment. He quickly did the rest and exited her mind.

_________ Out of Toga's Head _________

"Awe. I knew it! Tenko's a big softy." He chuckled as Tenko was embarrassed. Then they all went into Izuku and Tenko's house.

---------------Toga's new quirk-------------------

Name: transform(animals)
Description: when user drinks animal blood they get the features of that animal and that animal's abilities.
Drawbacks: new body parts are sensitive.

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now