New Family Member!?

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Previously on DHQ

I saw them hug after a little bit, and I started crying. "This is sooo cute." I wiped my eyes. I then ran over there and Todoroki asked me something.

Now on DHQ
----------Izu's POV-----------
"Hey, um... Deku? Is that your name? Eh, whatever. May I be adopted by your mom too?" I squealed and jumped on him. He huffed and fell back.

"Hey, brother, are you okay?" Dabi said after he pulled me off Todochan. I huffed and leapt back.

"You're no fun, Dabi-nii! I just wanted to hug Todochan!" I 'hmph'ed and started pouting. I then realized where we were so I pulled the teleportation quirk back out of my body and used it again.

"Okay. MOM WE HAVE A NEW ADDITION!?" I shouted to my mom and she floated the pillow she was on over here. She waved to Todoroki before yelling at me.

"Okay. NOW WHY WERE YOU ON THE NEWS?!" I gulped. Maybe I shouldn't have gaven her the stronger telekinesis quirk. She's terrifying now. I shivered as I answered her.

"Um... Todoroki here was stuck in a slime villain and I conducted a plan to get him out safely and it worked." She nodded slowly and got off her pillow. She walked up to Todoroki and smiled.

"Are you okay, Todoroki? Do you need an ice pack? Izu here can be sooo careless to his own health." Todoroki tilted his head and slowly shook it.

"No, ma'am I'm good. You should look at Shiggy though. He said his head hurt after something." I gasped, and face-palmed myself.

"Shimmy. Does it hurt again?" Shimmy nodded and closed his eyes from the painful migrain. I rolled my shoulders and gave myself a healing quirk. I started humming a soft tune and a light green blur started surrounding me.

Todoroki stared at me. "Woah. That's cool."

I finished healing Shimmy and 'threw' the quirk away. "Have you never seen a healing quirk in your life?" He shook his head.

"Only on TV when I saw Recovery Girl healing someone." I nodded my head. I then walked over to him and hugged him.

"So is their another quirk you want in trade of yours or do you want to change it to something like your brothers?" He nodded and told me.

"I would like something like my brothers please." I booped him on the nose.

"We don't cower in this house. We never lower our head to those smaller than ours. Unless we have to." I smiled and closed my eyes and started collecting my energy to take his quirk then give him a new one.

I finally got done in the span of maybe 5 minutes and opened my eyes. "Do you feel any different?" I asked Todoroki after I gave him his new quirk.

"Yes. I-I feel great. Thank you, Izuku." I smiled and swatted him. He lifted an eyebrow and asked me.

"What was that for?" I scrunched my nose up and answered him.

"Don't call me Izuku, that's reserved for my mom. Call me Izu." I smiled again and Toga finally came in.

"IZU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MEE?!" I snickered as Dabi answered.

"Something he should've done long ago. He brainwashed you to go get food for dinner." Toga looked at Dabi then at me and started fake crying.

"Why would you do this to meee!?" She hiccuped and, finally, stopped her crocodile tears.

Then mom sat back on her pillow and said, "Now. Who's ready for dinner?"

Toga yelled, "Ooh! Me, me! I'm ready!"

We all yelled, even Todoroki, "WE KNOW, TOGA!"

A/N : I am taking some people OCs still for this book. If you have an OC put it in the comments and I may use it. The format for OCs are

Name -
Quirk -
Gender -
Appearance(or a picture) -

Hope you like how I changed Todos quirk.

Quirk Name : half solar energy half lunar energy.
Quirk Description  : solar energy(like his brothers) ; lunar energy - the exact opposite can heal but at the same time if healing too much can actually hurt something
Quirk Drawbacks : burning hands and cold feet. Emotions out of wack

Quirk Name : Telekinesis(S rank)(Inko)
Quirk Description : You know this already don't you?
Quirk Drawbacks  : Migraines and howuch she can lift is only 3 times what she can hold with her own strength(Because of this, she is strong)

(I realized I forgot the healing quirk. Sorry guys)

Quirk Name : Melodic Melodies
Quirk Description: whenever the user hums a note in the staff(or medium note) they can heal people. When they hum a note below the staff(low note) they can slightly alter time. When user sings a note above the staff(high note) they can shatter stuff.
Quirk Drawbacks : Migraines when over used and loss if voice

Again, this is Rai signing off
(If anyone wanted to know I go by any pronouns other than he/him/his)
Bye Raindrops!

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now