Prolougue Part 4(last part of Prolougue)

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A/N: So this character I'm going to be using is my friend's oc. Their character is a person who has a similar past with Dabi. But their parents' roles were switched.
Deku's POV

The day before the entrance exam, I found a young girl. She looked about the age I was when my quirk showed up. The one thing I noticed about her was that she was covered in burns and her right eye was frostbitten closed.

I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay, little girl?" She flinched and whirled around, quirk out.

"Wh-who are you? Did my mother send you?" She stammered as I stepped back. "Whoa, I don't know who you are, so why would your mother send me?"

I gasped as I found out, "you're like Dabi, aren't you?" I took her quirk as fast as I could. And when she found out she couldn't use her quirk she cried even more.

"Please help me get away. I can't be with her no more." I smiled as I went to her. "Sure! Just tell me what quirk you had and I can give you another quirk like it!"

I pat her head as she told me. "It was thunderstorm" She turned to hug me as I closed my eyes, went into her mind, and gave her a strong quirk." I gasped as I knew who her parents were.

"Holy All Might! Your the daughter of Thundercloud and Lightning Strike, aren't you?" She nodded slowly as she stopped hugging.

"Then I gave you the right quirk, all right." I then told her, her new quirk. Her eyes lit up as she found out she had a really strong quirk.

She jumped up and into my arms almost crushing me. "Woah you're crushing me, sweetie. Here," I hoisted her up onto my hip.

She laughed, "wow, I'm calling you MamaIzu now." I smiled and told her I was fine with that. She smiled a huge smile and I kissed her head.

I trudged the rest of the way to my apartment. As I got to my apartment she saw my cat and my fox and squealed. "I love animals! What are their names?"

I laughed and put her down. Right when I put her down she rushed to my pets. "The maine coon is Astra and the fennic fox is Mandy." She was standing as she was being rubbed on by my pets.

"They 're so cute!" She squealed as her voice raised an octave. I laughed as I said, "yep. They really are."


A/N: I made Izu's quirk to where he keeps the quirks he alters. So here is the newest addition to Izu's family.

Name: Syria Mian
Quirk: half thunder, half lightning.
Quirk Description: when user stomps with left foot can make powerful thunder booms(much like Shindo's quirk.), when stomping with her right foot user sends off lightning bolts that can be controlled and shaped into whips.
Quirk Drawback: user can be shocked by own quirk. How big the thunder boom is depends on how hard she stomps.

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now