Prologue / Part 3

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A/N: This is Dabi/Touya's past with Izu. He gets his quirk taken and gets a different quirk.

He ran away from his house. He hid in an alleyway for a week. He was then considered dead. He went back to the sidewalk by Izuku's house.

A young Izuku saw another kid out there so he ran out there with Tenko and sat down next to him. The boy looked up as they sat down.

The boy had dyed his hair black as of recently. He asked the boys, "Why are you out here? Leave me alone."

The young greenette shook his head. "No, I won't. You look sad, is there anything I can do to help?" Touya snapped his head up.

"No, not unless you know of a person who can give me a different quirk." Izuku laughed as he said that. "Actually, as a matter of fact, I have a quirk like that."

Touya looked as at Izuku as if he was a god. "Really? You'd do that for me?" Izuku smiled and nodded as he gave Touya a hug.

"Sure! I just have to have access to your brain to be able to do that." Touya immediately gave him access to his brain.

------------------In Touya's head------------------

I headed down the long tunnel of his brain until I got to the quirk part of it. He never told me what quirk he wanted so I'll make one up for him. I started pulling the strings with my quirk and found a cool new quirk for him.

"Cool. I hope you like this new quirk of yours." I walked back to the end of the tunnel and told him to kick me out of his brain.

-------------------out of the mind------------------

Touya jumped on Izuku right as he got out. "So, what's my new quirk?" Izuku smiled as he stood up.

"Well, it's called solar energy. Basically, you can heal and make big blasts with solar energy. But in order for your quirk to work you have to be in the sunlight." Izuku explained Touya's new quirk to him.

Touya gave Izuku a hug and backed away from him. "Thank you. How can I repay you?" Izuku shook his head to signal he didn't have to repay him.

"I just want you to be a part of my family." He told Touya as his eyes widen. "Really? You want me as a brother?" Izuku nodded and Touya shed a tear.

"Thank you, brother."

"Your welcome, Touya-nii!"

--------Touya's new quirk---------

Name: Solar Energy
Description: using sunlight user can heal himself, others and make big blasts of energy
Drawbacks: user has to be in sunlight for quirk to work

A/N: I honestly had no idea what to do for his quirk, so I went with something kinda fire related. Give me one more person for Izuku to help in the comments. It can be an OC or a villain.

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now