Summer Training And New Friend(Part One)

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------Still Izu's POV------

As I was waking up this morning I felt like something good was supposed to happen today. I leapt out of bed and went to my dresser to pull out some clothes.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I took a shower I put my clothes on and exited the bathroom. I was going downstairs to cook breakfast for my family, but I felt my 'mamaizu' instincts kick in.

I ran down the stairs, out the door, and saw a kid my age. I sat down on the ground right next to them and asked them, "Are you okay, mx?" They gasped and looked over at me.

"Yes. I'm fine. I came out to my parents and I thought they would accept me. But turns out they hate the LGBTQ." They sobbed while I patted their back. They sniffled and hugged me.

"Sh... it's okay. Do you want to come in? I'm sure my mom and siblings would love to have a NB sibling." They nodded and stood up. I lead them in and closed the door behind us.

"Mom! We got a new sibling!" Right after I'd said that she came zipping down on her pillow. I sighed, I shouldn't have gaven her that pillow.

She raced over here and leapt off her pillow, right next to me and-. I gasped, I forgot to ask their name! "New sibling, what is your name?"

"I'm Akira Uraraka. I go by they/she. What are your guy's pronouns and names?" I beamed and whistled, and Dabi, Shoto, Shimmy, Toga, and Syria all came running down the stairs.

Syria, being her clumsy self, tripped on a SMALL Lego and fell on top of Shimmy, who fell on top of Dabi, who fell on top of Toga, who fell on top of Shoto. And then they all started laughing.

"..Ha. We heard the family whistle, who'd you adopt this time?" I pointed at Akira and nodded at them.

"Akira, please do us the honors." They nodded and she said her name and pronouns.

"I'm Akira Uraraka. I go by they/she. I'm a Demifemale, and I'm asexual, biromantic." We all clapped for them. Then Dabi went next.

"I'm Dabi. Just Dabi. I go by he/ve. I'm a cisgender male, and I'm panromantic, bisexual." After he went Shimmy went next.

"I'm Tenko Shimura. I go by he/they/ve. I'm a demiboy, and I'm demiromantic, pansexual." I whooped for my brother and Toga went next.

"I guess it's my turn! I'm Toga Monoma/Midoriya. I go by any pronouns other than masculine ones, and I'm panromantic, greysexual."

"I-i guess it's my turn? I'm Syria Mian-Midoriya. I think I go by she/they? And, um, I'm omniromantic, demisexual."

"I'm Inko Midoriya-Shimura. I go by she/her, and I'm biromantic, demisexual."

"Now my turn! I'm Izuku Midoriya-Shimura and I go by any neo pronoun and he/him. I'm polyromantic, and homosexual. I don't date feminine females."

Akira, I hope, was happy with us. We definitely are happy with them.

A/N: this is my OC. They are the twin swing of Uraraka and they have a quirk opposite of her twins.

Quirk Name: Super Gravity
Quirk Description: Opposite of their twin sister. When Ochako can make things lighter, she can make things heavier.
Quirk Drawbacks: when overused, can cause nosebleeds and broken bones

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