All His Made Quirks

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(Including some not in the story(yet))

Name: Decay(controllable)
Description: when user wants to decay something he can. He can also control how much he decays an object or something
Drawbacks: user may loose control of it when sick or when user gets a emotion they can't control and the user gets small migraines when using quirk passed it's extent.

Name: transform(animals)
Description: when user drinks animal blood(or wears something made of its fur) they get the features of that animal and that animal's abilities.
Drawbacks: new body parts are sensitive to touch, and hearing

Name: Solar Energy
Description: using sunlight user can heal himself, others and make big blasts of energy
Drawbacks: user has to be in sunlight for quirk to work to full extent

Quirk name: half thunder, half lightning
Quirk Description: when user stomps with left foot can make powerful thunder booms(much like Shindo's quirk.), when stomping with her right foot user sends off lightning bolts that can be controlled and shaped into whips.
Quirk Drawback: user can be shocked by own quirk. How big the thunder boom is depends on how hard she stomps.

Quirk name: the first T
Quirk description: telepathy and may be able to get small forms of the other T's. (Teleportation and telekinesis)
Quirk Drawnacks: depending on how big of an IQ someone has that's how far they can send messages.

Quirk name: aerokinesis
Quirk description: ability to control air molecules. And heat them up or freeze them to create icicles or steam.
Quirk drawbacks: headaches when over used and hungry when over used

Quirk name: Second Chance
Quirk description: can heal most to all injuries. May be able to bring someone back to life, but that puts a lot of strain on the user.
Quirk drawbacks: can put the user into a coma if over used

Quirk name: Teleportation (via slime)
Quirk Description: the user creates a portal out of slime. It is not really sticky. It more like the cloud slime. If you know what I'm talking about.
Quirk drawbacks: user has to have been to the place, seen it in a picture, or has a person next to them who has been there

Quirk name: super gravity
Quirk description: the opposite of Uraraka's quirk. Instead of something being weightless the thing is made heavier.
Quirk drawbacks: the smaller something is the harder it is to make it heavier. Can only make something 3x heavier.

Quirk name: First class
Quirk description: like Nana Shimuras except the person is essentially weightless. And the person can have better control of themselves in the air.
Quirk drawbacks: the person is weightless, meaning they are easier to pick up.

Quirk Name : half solar energy half lunar energy.
Quirk Description  : solar energy(like his brothers) ; lunar energy - the exact opposite can heal but at the same time if healing too much can actually hurt something
Quirk Drawbacks : burning hands and cold feet. Emotions out of wack

Quirk Name : Telekinesis(S rank)(Inko)
Quirk Description : You know this already don't you?
Quirk Drawbacks  : Migraines and howuch she can lift is only 3 times what she can hold with her own strength(Because of this, she is strong)

Quirk Name : Melodic Melodies
Quirk Description: whenever the user hums a note in the staff(or medium note) they can heal people. When they hum a note below the staff(low note) they can slightly alter time. When user sings a note above the staff(high note) they can shatter stuff.
Quirk Drawbacks : Migraines when over used and loss of voice

Quirk Name: conjure bow
Quirk Description: user summons a bow that is sharp on the edges like a sword. User can also summon enchanted arrows. Like from Minecraft,  arrow of slowness, arrow of flight(?), etc.
Quirk Drawbacks: light headed-ness, sometimes Migraines, little cuts on fingers

Quirk Name: outfitter
Quirk Description: can make clothes on the fly. User can also change it to fit the person's abilities, or the person wearing it can change it
Quirk Drawback: small light headed-ness, like Momo's Quirk, depends on how many lipids are in the user's body

Quirk Name: Extra
Quirk Description: creates an almost copy of the user, or whoever he wants
Quirk Drawback: only one drawback, the extra the user creates is able to be

Quirk Name: unnamed illusion quirk
Quirk Description: can create illusions of most things.
Quirk Drawback: Can only create illusions of things they've seen, heard about, or smelled

Quirk Name: Alter
Quirk Description: can slow down, speed up, or stop time
Quirk Drawback: can only stop time for 1 minute at a time, user can not slow down his own time

(Now the one you've been waiting for!)
(This is how Izuku made that tree trunk become a huge place for them to train)

Quirk Name: Areakinesis(space manipulation)
Quirk Description: user can alter the sizes of anything(living, or not); can also "summon" objects out of the air
Quirk Drawback: if user uses it too much, then the user gets a headache and may develope hunger, or a nose bleed

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now