Summer Training and New Friend (Last Part)

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"I want the quirk -".


Izuku's pov

"I want a quirk where I could kind of summon a bow and arrow at will. Ooh! And the arrow could be enchanted? Like the pre-quirk era video game Minecraft?" I thought about it then nodded my head.

"Sure! So, let's see. I will need to expand that part of your brain a tiny bit to add room for me to do that. Is that okay?" Akira nodded, "Okay. I'll need you to be extremely still so this won't effect you differently then I want it to." I then sat down and concentrated.

A few minutes pass and I finally return. "That was a different feeling. A weapon quirk. Never done that before! Okay, sooooo. Your new quirk is called enchanted arrow. You can summon a bow that is lightweight and very durable. It's also sharp-edged, so you may be able to kind of use it like a longsword. The only drawback for this is that you will get lightheaded when you first summon the bow. But that will eventually fade... Okay. I'm done talking now." Akira nodded as they helped me up.

"Can you try it for me? I wanna see it in action!" Akira rolled her eyes as they concentrated. After a few seconds a very pretty bow came out and Akira grabbed onto one of the gigantic tree roots that were by us.

They shook their head and spoke, "that, is different. I've never been THAT light-headed before. It was an experience." I nodded.

"Imagine how I feel when I'm creating the quirk. One of my quirk drawbacks is that I have to experience the pain of a Drawback. So imagine what I felt like when I made the quirk." I shivered and Akira grimaced. They then put the bow away.

"Yikes. Anyways should we get to battle now?" I nodded, concentrated, and we were in our battle outfits(A/N: these may be different then their hero uniforms).

Akira's was a dark purple that had little splotches of multiple colors like yellow, white, and light pink. It also had a small puch on the hip. That acted as a pocket for her rope and chain. (A/N: these are skin-tight.)

Mine was a black with splotches of dark purple, white, yellow, and all colors of the rainbow. I also have a couple pockets full of my -non lethal- throwing knives I also had a spike-whip. Those are my choice weapons.

"Okay. Are you ready, Akira? Let's fight." They came at me with their rope. I let myself be caught but she knew what I was going to do. They twisted the rope so I would have to make a quirk to escape.

Her eyes narrowed as I said, "that was a good job. But-..." the clone disappeared. "That's just a clone. I'm right here." I threw away the quirk and made myself a new one.

"Let's go now." I made an illusion of me going to her, but she saw through it, and they came at me with their chain. I then decided to throw away that quirk and give myself another new quirk.

This one I named alter. I could slightly alter time. So I slowed down time, ran to her, and whacked them on the neck. She immediately went down and I teleported back to the place where we last were.

"What the fuck Deku?! What did you do?!" Kaachan yelled at me. I rolled my eyes as Akira slowly woke themselves up.

"That was awesome!" I laughed and she eventually joined in.

Tenko, Shoto, Dabi, and Toga then all burst out laughing too. And, when we were all laughing, teleported us to our next destination- the Café.

"Okay. We're here. Kaachan don't cause a scene! I know you will!" He rolled his eyes and grumbled something. I laughed as Toga repeated it. Kaachan and Toga act like siblings.

I separated the group, each of us going different places. I went to the 'bar'. I sat down next to a, assuming?, female. She was gorgeous! And, even though I'm not exactly interested in her gender, she is attractive.

She had light brown hair and nave blue eyes. Her hoodie had a pretty design of the moon on the back. "Hi. I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I think your really pretty. Even though I'm essentially gay. And, may I ask for your gender?"

She(?) Lightly smiled and said, "sure. I'm Akari Hoshizora. I'm a female. And I've heard about you from my name twin. They said that you could alter quirks? Could you do mine? I have a quirk that needs blood, which-."

I cut her off, "which means you are obsessed with blood. I think I know how to help that! Stand still please!" I concentrated on the part of her brain which has the quirk. I decided to change it.

A couple minutes pass and I finally have it done. "Okay. That's some quirk you got their. Okay. I altered it to where you only need a drop of blood to it. I also gave your blade an energy charge, and I also gave you enhanced strength, enhanced hearing, and night vision." This was said as my family came back from wandering off.





Here're the new quirks Izu used/made

Quirk Name: conjure bow
Quirk Description: user summons a bow that is sharp on the edges like a sword. User can also summon enchanted arrows. Like from Minecraft,  arrow of slowness, arrow of flight(?), etc.
Quirk Drawbacks: light headed-ness, sometimes Migraines, little cuts on fingers

Quirk Name: outfitter
Quirk Description: can make clothes on the fly. User can also change it to fit the person's abilities, or the person wearing it can change it
Quirk Drawback: small light headed-ness, like Momo's Quirk, depends on how many lipids are in the user's body

Quirk Name: Extra
Quirk Description: creates an almost copy of the user, or whoever he wants
Quirk Drawback: only one drawback, the extra the user creates is able to be

Quirk Name: unnamed illusion quirk
Quirk Description: can create illusions of most things.
Quirk Drawback: Can only create illusions of things they've seen, heard about, or smelled

Quirk Name: Alter
Quirk Description: can slow down, speed up, or stop time
Quirk Drawback: can only stop time for 1 minute at a time, user can not slow down his own time

A/N: I'm at band camp right now and it's soooo exhausting. 7 am to 5 pm. Me'sssss tireddd. Anyways, bye Raindrops●!

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now