To Tell Him Everything

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Previously on Deku's Hidden Quirks...

I nodded. "I hear it too. Who do you think it is?"

"Maybe it's Todoroki."

Now.   (Did anyone see that happening?!)

----------Izu's POV------------
"Wait, who is that?" Kaachan asked as he got out of his im-always-angry mood. I sighed.

"Dabi-nii can I tell him?" Dabi sighed and nodded. "Okay, so... Dabi is... originallytouyatodorokiandhisfatherwasanabusivemeanieheadsoheranaway and thars how he found us."

Kaachan facepalmed himself and sughed, "Okay. So... do we have to save this Todoroki person?" I nodded.

"Please, Todoroki needs help. I can give you a quirk for working with us." Kaachan grinned.

'Oh no.' I thought as Kaachan agreed. "Okay so can I get a flying quirk?" I was flabbergasted.

"Wait, I thought you would want something more powerful." I raised my eyebrow as I said that.

"Izu he wants it so he can make his blasts come from up in the air. His blasts normally boost him up." Shimmy told me.

"Oh.." I then grabbed Kaachans hand and closed my eyes while concentrating. "Whew. Haven't done a flight quirk before. That was a new feeling. Felt like I was on a cloud."

Dabi then yelled, "Guys, are you fucking dumb. We still have to rescue my brother from that weird slime-thing."

I nodded and calmed my breathing. I gave myself a Teleportation quirk and activated it. We entered into a slime-like substance and Kaachan yelled something that sounded like 'gross'.

When we got to the place where it was happening, I made Dabi use his solar energy quirk to make a big hole in the slime so he couldn't just suck Shimmy's hand into himself. I then made Shimmy start to take his gloves off. (He still likes to wear them.) I then 'threw' my teleportation quirk away and gave myself a new gravity quirk. I then superfied the gravity of withe area around the slime-thing, so he couldn't escape.

Shimmy then sprinted to the slime villain and started slowly decaying it. I told him to decay all of him other than a little. He nodded and then came Kaachans part. When the slime villain saw what was happening to him, he grew bigger and Kaachan, following my orders, flew up to his eye and blasted it with his explosions.

The slime villain howled in pain and finally let Todoroki go. He was still awake so I went up to him and hugged him. "Are you okay, Tochan?" His eyes widened and he hugged me back.

Kaachan had finally gotten the slime villain into the water bottle I had gotten. "So who's this again?" I rolled my eyes.

"This is Shoto Todoroki. Brother to Dabi. Duh, dummy." He growled, but then he saw his mother in the crowd.

"Oh, shit. Bye Deku!" He flew to his mom. "Wait Deku do you want this quirk back?!" I shook my head.

"No Kaachan you can keep it. I'll give you the name of it and drawbacks later! Be careful so you do t exploit its drawbacks! I'll go to your house for dinner!"

He nodded and he yawned as his mother pulled him by the ear to their house yelling at him for 'being so reckless'.

I laughed at Kaachan and Mrs. Mitsuki. "So are you going to tell me how you know that nickname?" I yelped and jumped high as Todoroki crept up on me.

I then smirked, "Why don't you ask him?" I directed him to Dabi. He lifted his right eyebrow and followed my directions.

I saw them hug after a little bit, and I started crying. "This is sooo cute." I wiped my eyes. I then ran over there and Todoroki asked me something.


To be continued

A/N: so... do you think todoroki should get a different half and half quirk or should he keep it.
I'm also going to be updating hopefully a lot during this next week. I'm on spring break! So here are all the different quirks I have made up.
P.s if you want to see Dabis quirk it's in the 3rd part of prologue.

Quirk name: Teleportation (via slime)
Quirk Description: the user creates a portal out of slime. It is not really sticky. It more like the cloud slime. If you know what I'm talking about.
Quirk drawbacks: user has to have been to the place, seen it in a picture, or has a person next to them who has been there

Quirk name: super gravity
Quirk description: the opposite of Uraraka's quirk. Instead of something being weightless the thing is made heavier.
Quirk drawbacks: the smaller something is the harder it is to make it heavier. Can only make something 3x heavier.

Quirk name: First class
Quirk description: like Nana Shimuras except the person is essentially weightless. And the person can have better control of themselves in the air.
Quirk drawbacks: the person is weightless, meaning they are easier to pick up.

A double update!!!
I've never done that!!!
But, seriously in all seriousness, thank you all for reading this.
Love you all!
I'm your big sibling now!

Deku's Hidden Quirks (ShiggyDabiHawks, KiriBakuDeku, TogaUraTsu)Where stories live. Discover now