Summer Training and New Friend (Part 2)

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Previously on DHQ

Akira, I hope, was happy with us. We definitely are happy with them.


-Still Izus POV-

I skipped over to Akira and hugged her. They hugged me back. I then pulled her out of the house, continuing to skip. They opened their mouth and asked me a question, "Izuku, where are we going?"

I smirked, and didn't tell her. I just continued leading her to a small forest behind an abandoned building. I skipped past the first part of trees and stopped at one marked with a 'k + d'.

I activated a quirk I had stored away. This was a weird quirk. Akira lifted their brow and made a questioning face.

"Izuku, what did you do?" She was about to ask another question, but someone knocked in a special pattern. I reach into my mind and pulled THE quirk out and heard a noise and saw it was Tenko and Touya.

"Tenko-nii! Help me explain!" I pouted my lips and batted my eyelashes at them and hugged him with all my strength. He rolled his eyes.

"It's a size quirk, but at the same time it's a world Quirk. He made a fake world inside this tree. This Quirk I made him name Other." Touya rolled his eyes as he put his arm around Tenko. 'Aww- weeee. So cute.'

Akira huffed, "So, since we're here, what do we do now?" Touya scoffed and told them.

"Well, sibling, I guess we could train. But who would train with who?" Touya told her with his usual sarcasm. Akira huffed at him and shoved him.

"Okay, can we get on with it? I'll see who should fight with who." I took a second to think about it and said, "well... how about Kaachan goes with Tenk-." I was interrupted when someone yelled.

"Why the fuck would I do that?! I don't like him, he's another fucking extra!" Tenko huffed at him and replied.

"Shut up, pomeranian! If Izu made us come here then he had a reason!" He groaned, "So let's fuck-." He looked at me and asked me. I nodded. "-ing go!"

Kaachan rolled his eyes and grumbled some incoherent words. I laughed when Tenko smacked him for it. They both glared at me. I put my hands up and closed my eyes.

They were out if hearing now, so I continued. "Toga! Stop drinking chameleon blood!" She groaned and deactivated her quirk. They asked me then.

"Well, who do I train with, then? I'm boreddddddd." Toga Midoriya, what did I say about dragging out words? They gulped and said, "Not to because it makes you annoyed. But please tell me, who am I fighting?" I sighed and directed her to their partner.

"Toga you are fighting with Todoroki. Todoroki, if you could please take off the illusion." He did as I said, "thank you. Now you guys go to the west-ward. Todoroki, Toga will show you the way." He nodded as stoic as ever.

Toga finally ate some bird meat and grew some wings and took off flying. "Finally. Now it's just me and you." I said as I turned back to Akira.

I cracked my nuckles and put a crazy smile on. "Let's go, Akira!" And then I re-gave myself the quirk teleportation (via slime), and I teleported us.

"Okay, Akira. I want to give you a new defensive-quirk. Anything you suggest?" They finally nodded their head and told me.

"I want the quirk -".

To Be Continued

I hope you've all had a good summer(or winter/spring/fall)! Have a nice day/night. Bye raindrops!

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