New school

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Hey guys I just want to say my book is for 16+ i feel I need to add this 

Ellie's pro

Hi I'm ellie I'm 17 and starting my new school tomorrow  my dad got a new job so we had to move house it's not all bad my best friend goes to the new school so I won't be alone  I can't wait to get this year over with it's my last year before I  leave  to go to university I wanna be a surgeon I have always liked been able to fix people everyone says I have a very caring side. 

Ellie dinners ready,  coming mum,  hey sweetie  my dad says as we all sit down to eat tea have u finished  your unpacking?  yer just about just sorting stuff  out for tomorrow,  I'm sorry you have to start a new school in your last year but your g...

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Ellie dinners ready,  coming mum,  hey sweetie  my dad says as we all sit down to eat tea have u finished  your unpacking?  yer just about just sorting stuff  out for tomorrow,  I'm sorry you have to start a new school in your last year but your grades are great so hopefully  it will be ok it's just the knew job. I know dad it's ok I have emma, I know sweetie thanks for been so understanding, no prob  dad im not sure what going to school with Darren is going to be like but if i kill him you have to help me get rid of the body, ok deal my dad says laughing.

I'm lucky in a way when most people move schools they don't know any one I only had to move to the next town and if I'd of wanted I'm sure I could of stayed at my old school but that ment taking 4 buses a day and the new school is on my door step, I have my bestfriend to show me around I've missed her so much we used to live next door to each other and went to the same primary  school and secondary  school  until she had to move house and her mum made her swop schools that was just under 2 years ago we met up every weekend but it wasn't the same as having her next door  and I still get to see my mates from my old school all the time. 

I'm going to bed and get an early night this school starts way to early, ok night my parents say laughing. I'm a bit worried about the new school it's not like my old school for one my old school was all girls two this new school  goes up to you been 19 and they  starts at 7.30 if you don't get the grades for collage or uni you have to stay  and repeat  year 12 i don't wanna still be at school next year I got A's in my last school just hoping this school will be the same I just don't wanna tell my dad im worried he's feeling awful as it is.

I got ready for bed and brushed  my teeth my phone goes of hey bestie see u in morning xx i put back  I can't wait Emma xxx I got a text of my ex we was together for 2 years only because i didnt wanna hurt his feeling he was always hanging atound, school was the only place I got a break I had to hide in a bush in my garden once for over an hour because he wouldn't leave my next door neighbour was trying not to laugh and give me away it didn't get much better after that day i was always hiding from him  i ended it the day I left  my old house we didn't do anything in the 2 years just kissed.  I get into bed I love my bed so much it's so comfy I'm asleep in no time.

Beep beep beep.....

Nooooòoo it's to early I wanna go back to sleep  but then I remember it's my first day of school and been late won't look good I jump in the shower  do all my morning  stuff dry of and put my uniform  on as I'm brushing my hair my phone flashes we are out side xx.  I run down the stairs grab an apple kiss my parents  goodbye  and I'm out the door lets get this day over with I hate been the new girl and getting lost every 5 mins.

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