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Ellie's POV  and pic 

I'm sat having breakfast  with my mum my dad had to leave early for work. so are you going to tell me what happened to your face, emma was getting ganged up on i couldn't just watch I didn't have much choice and now i got the fat lip to show for it, your a really good freind  hows all the school work going do you think you will have chance  to catch  up before  the exams start?  yer I do my teachers have given me more work and notes on everything I'm just going to keep busy with it it's not like I wanna hang out with chris and darren so I have a great excuse.  my mum says laughing emma will wake up one day she is beautiful and can do so much better but you can't choose who your heart wants. I know mum jamies face came in her head as I say that I shake my head saying  hope sooner rather than later anyway I have to get going see you after school. Bye sweetie  love you.

I'm walking down my drive when I hear  funny seeing you here I look up to Jamie smirking. are you stalking me I ask, no of course not I just wanted to see if your ok  how's the lip, it hurts, do you want me to kiss it better, im show you have someone eles that you can kiss  why don't you go walk   your girlfreind of the week to school what's her name again I saw you both last night? no need to be jelouse i want you not her, why are  you here and how did you know where i live?  i  just wanted to walk my baby girl to school and it's a small town, I don't think that's a good idea, why not?  I just don't need the hassle  of people thinking I'm your next victim, that hurt baby I want so much more from you, I shake my head how many girls have you used that line on? only you i don't lie what you see is what you get, look please don't  take this the wrong way but Ive been told you and darren have this thing going on like who can get the girl first please leave me out of it i don't want to be a game to you jamie I don't think this is a good idea  it's just with emma she's my bestfriend and i dont wanna get hurt, look ellie your not a game to me maybe yer in the past me and darren was like that but I like you your different, I bet I'm only different  because  I'm the only one to turn you down, so just answer  me one question  please if it wasn't for emma I would stand a chance?  you don't give up do you,  NO, I laugh and say maybe, I'm taking that as a yes see you later baby girl jamie says walking of to his locker.

Jamie's pov 

You walking to school jimmy asks me, no man I'm going to walk ellie to school i wanna make sure she's ok after last night, why bro you going out your way to get her she's not going to say yes and if she does as soon as she gets to know what you do for a living she will run save your time and take someone  else out sorry bro but I'm right she's  not your normal  girl,  I know man that's why I want her I can't get her of my mind i wanna fall asleep with her in my arms and wake up to her it's not about sex man i just want her, jimmy is my best friend  since  we was 3 i know he has my back like i have his. God bro you have it bad I've never seen you like this all I'm going to say is good luck your going to need it  go get your girl. I know she won't stick around when she finds out im the leader of a gang jimmy is my second  im just hoping she doesn't  find out not untill she has fallen head over heels for me anyway. I don't think I've smiled so much on a walk to school she just makes me happy I love talking to her I'm not giving up on her she's mine and I'm her's.

Ellie's  pov 

I'm sat in my first lesson and the teacher say's we are going to be starting a project  and im picking your partner so listen up everyone when you know who your partner  is go sit with them when it got to my name he shouts Jimmy's next he's  the bloke  that told the teacher  he would show me around and also the bestfriend  of jamie trust me to have to work with a bad boy that I bet expects  me to do all the work. Lucky me he says sitting next to me, why's that if you think I'm doing everything  your wrong.  ok he says chill little lady I was going to say jamie will kill me for been so close to his girl. Im not his girl Let's get started shall we turns out jimmy is a funny person  we got loads done and he did his parts to he kept trying to talk about jamie  but soon gave up I told him I don't have any interest  of been number what ever  on Jamie's list Jimmy's last words was oh little lady when you realise  that's not what you are to him the better you both will be then the bell rings we was walking out the door as jimmy says see u next lesson little lady as jamie was waiting for him. hi baby girl, hi jamie.

I'm sat in the library  eating my dinner with sarah I told emma I have to get books and as chris says I'm not setting foot in a library  that was my perfect excuse  I don't wanna sit with darren I might as well sit on a table on my own as all emma does is make out with chris  just as I'm about to finish  my sandwich  sarah kicks me under the table looking at who eva just walked in. I turn round to see jimmy and jamie walking to us jimmy sits down next to sarah and says hey cup cake how you doing  to her and the poor girl goes red she tried to say I'm ok lucky for her jimmy can talk for the both of them so sarah just sat watching him and smiling.

I look up at jamie I think your lost Hey baby girl you hiding in here, when I said yes he was smiling I hope not from me? no darren I just didn't wanna sit with  him,  can I take you out on a date  tonight and before you  say no I promise  one date away from here just us and after that if you don't wanna see me again I will try to leave you alone,  I can't I'm busy sorry I go to speed way tonight I've never missed  a race, let me guess  you go for the men save your money you can have a real man, no not at all i go for the car's and they is nothing better than the smell of burnt tyres  as they set of at 100 mph  jamie looked impressed you keep shocking me baby girl  i didn't think you would be into cars, i get my phone out showing him all the pics I have of me and cars he was looking at me smiling i look at him and say what he just say's your so cute when your talking about something you love I smile at him as I put my phone away  my dream would to be in one of them racing cars. You look like the type of girl that gets what she wants, god I hope so anyway what you doing in a library I bet its the first time? Looking for you see I told you I don't lie.

As me and sarah was walking back to home room sarah says god he's fit, who I say?  jimmy of course,  I bust out laughing what happened to stay away from bad boys? yer I know i need to take my own advice but come on I wanna know what he looks like with out a top on, you naughty  girl. We could just use them for a night I bet Jamie wouldn't mind amagine a night with Jimmy I bet his body is hot, i laugh as I say close your mouth your drooling all over the floor. What you doing tomorrow  sarah asks me?  nothing at all I'm going to stay in bed and watch Netflix all weekend, do you wanna go to the beach it's going to be a hot day sun sea ice cream  what more could  u want? well in your eyes Jimmy I say laughing ok sorry yer that sounds good I can't wait.

My afternoon classes was going slow I had a lesson with emma but all she spoke about was chris I even had one with darren he came and sat with me jimmy was in this lesson he didn't look happy but I wanted information out of darren so I had to play nice, hey so what you up to this weekend, me and Chris are going to a party you wanna come, is emma going, god no chris wants to have a good time, I laugh trying to go alone with it so chris goes with girls, yer well he's  got to let lose when Emma's not about she has him on a short lead, I was so mad I ended up telling emma I knew in my head what was the point but I'd want to know she ended up having a go at chris for him  to say darren was just having a laugh he didn't mean it and she believed  him I knew then and there I'm not telling her anything eles some times you have to learn lessons the hard way and this was one of the times emma  had to learn the hard way because  all I looked like was a jealous  best freind.

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