Home sweet home

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I was sat on the end of a bed I got dressed I wanted to go home Sarah came in hey ellie how are you?, I just wanna go home can you take me home please, yes of course come on she was helping me walk jamie came in the room with a man, what you doing she wants to go home so im taking her, ellie his is my doctor  he needs to check you over no no noone is touching me, it's  ok ellie he's going i will take you home soon  Ellie but I need to talk to you first I nod we go sit down im so sorry I tried to do the right thing by you and this still happened I love you Ellie nothing I said to you that night  was true I just needed you safe and by ending it i thouht i was keeping you safe i git it so wroge im so sorry. I just wanna go home please let me?  he looks down and nods he took me home Sarah was with me the house was the same as I left it a week ago I asked Sarah if my mum knows she said no jamie rang her to say you lost your phone so u would text of his jamie  said you can't of told them you to was over, no i didn't want them to worry before they went away, do you wanna talk about it,  no I don't not yet, ok well when ever your ready I'm here for you no rush when your ready,  thanks sarah I do need something,  anything whats up can you try get a brush through  my hair please I look like  a witch?  she laughed getting a brush it took her over an hour to sort my hair out it hurt I had that many cuts on my head, did you know i mean about them been in a gang, no I didn't Jimmy only told me because i was going mad with worry about you I was going to ring your mum  i have not spoke to him since i don't want anything to do with him.

She made me a sandwich and stayed with me the next day I told her to go home see her mum I was ok, every sound I was jumping at I put the tv up loud they was a knock on the door I didn't want to answer it but the person was not going anywhere I got up to walk near the  door to look through the peep hole as jamie shouted Ellie it's me I open the door and let him in we was sat in the living room i started with thank you for saving me a conversation between Ellie and jamie 

J. Ellie don't thank me it was all my fault and of course I would save you 

E. So your a gang leader why didn't you tell me 

J. Yes I am and I knew if I did I would lose you 

E. You still did by not telling me maybe if you had of told me I would of been more perpered  he just nodded jamie are they dead 

J. Yes every single one of them she nods and says thank you I was not expecting her to thank me can I ask you what they did to you?  she says she will tell me one day but not today.

Back to ellies pro

Jamie left soon after the conversation I knew he didn't want to but I wanted to go to bed that's what I told him anyway, he gave  me a new phone  and told me to get in touch with my mum  I told him thank you. My mum was so happy to hear my voice I told her the signal on jamies phone was shit but I have my own now she told me all about her trip and she will see me in 2 weeks.

Tyler came over to see me I thanked him for helping he told me all about the boys going out there heads all week he was surprised when jamie asked him for help  he told me jamie didn't sleep for the whole time I was gone and they had a heart to heart where jamie told him how much he loves me and was only trying to keep me safe he told me the look on jamies face as he watched the video of me Ellie he loves you  no one else will ever love you more, them to blokes are heart broken I look at him as he says Jimmy i nod now knowing what he meant.

A few days had gone pasted jamie was still texting me I told him I was fine each time, I got hold of my phone and rang the one bloke I did want to see it was ringing Ellie are you ok no can you come over on your own?  yes 2 minutes i put the phone down and waited for him 2 minutes later im in a bear hug with Jimmy its nice to see you to we was sat about talking for a bit when i asked him about Sarah he told me jamie lost you trying to keep you safe I lost Sarah by not telling her but we still lost the love of our lifes she hates me ellie and i don't blame her,  well fight for her show her you love her and your not giving up on her, your amazing you know that don't you?  why? look at everything you have been though and your still giving me advice on my love life, 

The next day I wanted to go back to school I needed to I had to get on with things I asked tyler  to walk me to school and home he has been great to me I told him  everything that happened to me apart from getting London gang carved in me on my upper leg I didn't want anyone to know that, we met up with sarah on the way  so are you going to talk to Jimmy he's heart broken no why would i she says, i walk into school jamie comes up to me why you back I had to I needed to all day the boys was watching over me Tyler was with me loads I told jamie I wanted to be mates I Just wasn't ready for anything else i wrote a note to get me out of p.e no way was I going to get changed with everyone looking. I had maths with jamie we was ok I told him I don't blame him I get why he did what he did I told him im not happy about it but I understand I was sat winding him up about his tag alone I said I better move or she might put a spell on me and you will have to save me again he was laughing saying I would save you a million times.

I had English with Jimmy I told him we are going to get his girl back i don't think we can don't give up we will I made a deal with him if I got him Sarah back he has to let me drive his car 100 mph down the track he told me if i got him Sarah I could have anything I wanted.

I needed a plan it was win Sarah back she was having none of it I told her to here him out give him a chance nothing was working I walk up to jamie in the halls hey I need you what's up we have to get Sarah and Jimmy back together he's a mess and so is she we was walking to art I was giving him the puppy eyes fine if I help you you have to spend the day with me ok no problem he could watch me race in jimmys car  I told Sarah I wanted to go to the beach jamie did the same then we left them Sarah was mad but i pulled the you can't be mad at me after i was taken puppy eyes me and jamie was sat in a cafe so why you smiling like you won something jamie asks me , maybe Its because I get to spend the day with you, his face lit up oh really what do you wanna do he was coming closer to me I wisper in his ear i wanna bite you and bit his neck not hard he moaned and said that was a turn on i was laughing we did end up spending the day together it was fun.

Sarah rung me telling me to come back to the beach we went and Sarah said she was ready to go home so we left I went to hug jamie text me what he says ok he said letting me go we was in Sarah's car so how did it go well your a bitch, thanks i say, she laughs he told me everything not all good its wasn't nice to hear but he was truthfull he told me he wants me back and will wait for me I told him to let me think about it so thats what is going on so do you love him still?  yes of course I do, so give him a chance i was taken  anyway and I wasn't with jamie  Jimmy will look after you, she nods and says so you taking jamie back no we are mates now he broke my heart.

Jamie came over later that night to tell me Jimmy is hope full and says your the best well we know that i say laughing he ends up staying to watch fast and furious with me he loves the movie I know he does I fell asleep on him i woke up to him moving me he put me in bed I kept my eyes shut he bent down I love you baby girl and kisses my head and leaves.

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