My wedding day

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I went home the next day to tell my parents I was getting married they said they knew it was coming and he better of changed after a long chat about you can't help who you fall in love with they was happy for us, We got married  4 weeks later on  Miami beach after jamie asked me to be his wife turns out paul was in on it he got me the time of work before I even said yes our family's came out to miami with us but went home early so we could have our honeymoon  even Louise came out she said I can do so much better but I'm her bestfriend  so she stood  by  my side as I said I do I don't think I could of done it with out her we had sex every day and night we couldn't keep our hands of each other I love you mrs smith I love you mr smith.

We was back at home working hard we spent alot of time at the apartment  he told me it was his well ours now i should of known we went over to the gang house on my days of to sleep jamie said he doesn't care as long as he wakes up with me i was at work feeling shit i was been sick alot paul made a joke about me been pregnant we just looked at each other i can't be well let's just see shall we i pee in a cup and give it to him i got back to work i wouldn't  look at him ellie stop please i need you?  so am I, yes you are, all I said was he's going to leave me, what do you mean he loves you paul says trying to comfort me, I know but he runs when things get messy, just tell him he won't  this time it will be different.

I got home to my husband cooking our tea hey baby girl how was work jamie says kissing me, long very long we sat down to eat, you not hungry, no sorry I'm not feeling well I think I just need a shower and bed ok I will bring you a brew in I smile as I go in the bathroom I didn't know what to do I know I should tell him I'm stood  naked looking into a mirror at my  belly holding it I promise I will protect  you little one I love you so much I got into bed I drunk my brew then went to sleep.

Morning baby you feeling any better?  no not really, do you want me to ring in sick for you you don't look so good, no no I will be fine I'm going to go get ready, ok ellie you ok?  yes I shout back as I walk into our bedroom and get dressed I better get going, OK I'm coming, no it's ok your eating your breakfast I can walk myself, I like walking my wife to work, its ok I will see you tonight I kiss jamie on the head  and leave.

Good morning  boss is jamie over the moon?  I didn't tell him, why?  I'm not sure you haven't told anyone have you? no of course not, good, talk to me what's going on?  I know I told you bits of mine and Jamie's relationship  but left bad bits out, ok go on I ended up in hospital  after he left me yet again course he does what he thinks is best  by me I never have a say in it he runs all the time, the hospital  was it bad? I nearly  died I was so in love with him nothing eles ever mattered I had to move away to sort my life out but now I have someone eles to think about I can't risk been back on my own when he walks and he will, what's your worst fear? Honestly?  yes go on, that I tell him I'm pregnant  and he leaves me and I end up losing the baby as I'm so stressed  out, I understand  I really do and what ever you decide  I'm right at your side, thank you paul I'm so lucky I have you in my life, always.

I left to go home hey baby girl  your home early, we need to talk? of course whats up? I need a break, ok I will book somewhere  no I mean from us, what what's going on I don't understand, since we got married I'm just not feeling it, ellie this is not you I don't understand  I love you, I just need some space, for how long? I didn't answer, it's over isn't it?  I nod talk to me we have been fine we are happy, you might be I need space that was the first time I've seen jamie cry as he walked out he didn't take any thing with him not his clothes keys nothing I felt so bad but knew I had to do this for my baby I had to pertect it no matter what me or jamie didn't matter the only thing that mattered  was our baby and fot once im in control.

I didn't see jamie after that night jimmy  came for his stuff asking me why I'm doing this all I said was  I'm doing it before he does I can't live like it any more   maybe to much has happened with us and they is no going back we was just kidding ourselves,

Paul has been great I'm over the morning sickness  it doesn't look good cutting someone open and been sick in a bin next to you. hey beautiful  how's it going? good I'm ok, good anyway I have a mate that will do you a scan of the books make sure everything  is ok, can you trust him I've not gone public  with this as if jamie does a  check on me he will find out I just started to wear baggy clothes all I do is work or stay at home, of course he's cool we go way back, ok set it up and paul thank you, I was in the canteen eating my lunch it's been a slow day so I'm making the most of it hey ellie how you doing good ta zac how's you I'm good listen I was wondering  if you wanted to go on a date with me? wow thanks zac but im married i hold my hand up oh im so sorry i didnt know i didn't look who's the lucky man he's called jamie been together  since school well he's a very lucky man, thank you see you later, i walk back on the ward to paul saying come on I follow paul  on to maternity ward hey paul ellie come in lunch is ready we walk in he locks the door get on the bed lift your top up this is going to be cold then he presses on my belly and we watch the TV here we go all looks good your 6 months would you like to know the sex no it's ok I want a suprise  ok well that's it I can't print you a picture  without putting your details in the system  that's ok this was more than enough  thank you so much we left and got back to work.

So my bestie is not dead I look up to tyler, hey sorry just super busy, that's ok I'm going to sit here and wait for you to finish then we can go have a proper  catch up me and Paul look at each other I just nod and smile finishing my jobs.
I hug paul bye telling him I will text him later I'm ready ok great let's go so what's going on with you nothing all work work and work no time for anything  eles, that must be why you didn't get round to telling me you and jamie are getting devosed? did he say that? no but he's expecting  it isn't that what comes next after you leave your husband  after weeks been married  are you and paul together,  no you would have better luck than me he's just been a great mate have you seen jamie?  yes we bumped into each other he told me but couldn't understand  why I didn't know ellie what's going on with you?  I ended it before he did, what that doesn't make sence, he was going to end it so I did it first I can't go back to been in hospital  again I just can't risk it, why was he going to end it, sorry tyler I love you but it's between  us, ok just promise  me your ok? I am I'm going to be ok for once in my life I'm the one incontrol it will all work out and maybe me and jamie will find our way back.

Jamie's pro 

I spent 6 months don't get me wrong having the best sex of my life but that's it I wanted ellie all of ellie so I knew what I wanted to do I was so nervous  what if she runs this time I asked her to marry me and she said yes thank god she looked so happy  on our wedding day even after we was so in love this is why I can't understand  why she ended things  I go over it all the time in my head did I push her to fast she said all she wanted was sex maybe she did was she seeing someone  eles I didn't believe  that maybe I just put her through  to much over the years I guess I deserve  it this is how she felt when I got sent down, hey bro how you doing you know its been months and I still can't make sence of it I think it was pay back for what I did to her what better way to marry me then end it weeks later, I don't think ellie is that cruel and why has she not asked for a devose?   I guess we don't know her any more 4 years went by it's along time none of us saw her, hey boss sorry shall I come back no no come in did you see her yes asked for a date she said no, did she give a reason? yes that she is married boss she still wears her rings, did you ask who to? yes she said jamie high school sweethearts, thanks zac, hey bro  I'm not thinking this is ellie doing this what if she is getting made to,  boss sorry to interrupt you a tyler is her to see you I look at jimmy ok send him in, hey man sorry to just turn up my bestie is ghosting me so I'm here to kidnap her, when was last time you spoke to her? all the time on the phone but all she says is works busy what's going on? she left me. what when?  months ago saying she ended space, no way somthing had to of happened, well good luck finding  out she won't speck to me all I can come up with is it was all pay back, no I might not get what's she's upto but I do know she loves you i will go see her.

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