Getting kidnapped

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The next day I was moody I didn't get much sleep I was ready for school  Tyler was in the shower he keeps clothes in his car so he had them in case a blonde kidnapped him all night he thinks he's funny, Sarah walks in hey Hunny you ready just as I was about to say yes Tyler says coming out the bathroom with just a towel  around his lower half saying  5 mins please and leaves to go up the stairs, Sarah looks at me  like we will talk about this later I nod we walk out my house and start walking to school tylers says I might as well pick my car up later Sarah got on well with Tyler he told her I was a bad girl and made him stay out till 2  we walk into school Jimmy was waiting for us hey Ellie are you ok, yeah  I say,  we were sat in English so you sitting with us at lunch he asks me ,  no thank you I don't think im ready to sit with Jamie and his girlfriend she's not that  so you and Tyler are you to together, no we just mates he's great. We walk out of English to Jamie waiting with  what Ever she is I look at Jimmy with the look that says she is his girlfriend and I walk off. 

Me  Sarah and Jimmy  was sat about on the field so you and Tyler Sarah says, I shake my head I promise you we are just mates he slept in the spare room last night as we were out till two joys of no parents,  but I go on to say I did ask Tyler to set me up with his mate I need to move on i want what you to have I look at them cuddling so when is the date Jimmy asks me,  weekend im so nervous it wasn't like this with jamie everything felt easy I guess that's because it wasn't real.

I was in p.e I think everyone has this class we had to run around the field 5 times im so lazy I think im going to pass out Tyler comes up get on my back no the teacher will see he's gone I kept saying no so he picked me up over his shoulder and ran I was screaming Tyler if you drop me your a dead man running he is so fit how can anyone run with someone on them Sarah was laughing at me we get to the finish line as Tyler drops me on the floor you can thank me later baby we was sat about Jamie was kissing his toy of the week she says to me Tyler and you  make a cute couple, Tyler says laughing no we just mates Jamie had a smile on his face till Tyler ended with Ellie is dating my mate.

I was walking home on my own as a van went past me I didn't think anything of it till a man with a cloth grabbed me and put the cloth over my face and everything went dark,

I woke up tied to a chair with the biggest headache ever the man in the room said good your awake let the fun begin who are you where am I, that's not important im just waiting for lover boy to come to save you, lover boy ??? Yes jamie smith, oh g...

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I woke up tied to a chair with the biggest headache ever the man in the room said good your awake let the fun begin who are you where am I, that's not important im just waiting for lover boy to come to save you, lover boy ??? Yes jamie smith, oh god im going to die here we are not together he doesn't give a shit about me I was just a bet, we will see, it had been days i fell of the chair at one point and hit my head I could feel blood running down my face  they showed me a video of him talking to jamie about me saying i was just easy and tight I knew that anyway but to hear it and see him saying it i felt sick.

 i was trying to think how I was going to get my self out of this so what do you want with jamie, he robbed drugs and weapons of my gang i want them back and he killed some of my men, your men was all I could say,  yes im the gang  leader of London no way would he do that they must of read my face as one of the men said she doesnt know does she, know what, lover boy is a gang leader along side jimmy no way i would on known sarah would know or does she nothing was making sence my hair was caked in blood from falling the man came back in the room with another man he was filming us so lover boys not coming maybe he doesnt know or doesnt care about you so maybe i should make you mine jamie did say your nice and tight its been a long time since i had a girl like that  he comes closer to me and trys to kiss me i was trying to move away but when your  tied to a chair its hard to do so he  hits me that hard the chair and me go flying across the room, the video got stopped and they walked out the room i was left on the floor bleeding.

Jamies pro 

I got a video of a tied up Ellie of the London gang leader I was so mad I lost it so ending it with the love of my life and breaking our hearts I did for nothing I couldn't think straight all I knew was one I had to get her back and two he's a dead man walking, i got all my men in the room I showed them the video  I want everyone on this find out where the London gang is I want her back here with me my men got to work   tyler was here to i don't like him but him and ellie are close to close if you ask me but I need all the help I can get Jimmy came up to me are you ok, what do you think i should of been keeping her safe I let her down, lets just get her back, I knew he was mad to and wanted revenge him and ellie are close, its been days since she got took jimmy had to tell sarah everything we was no closer to finding her we worked day and night on this i didn't sleep  Sarah was here not like she wanted to be but she wanted her best friend back we was working as I got a video sent I put it on the big tv so we all could see it it was of ellie sat on a chair you could see she had been beaten  the gang leader was saying he was going to make her his and id said she was tight she didn't give a reaction to that so she must of already been told that you could see her trying to move away from  him trying to kiss her then she went flying across the room then the video stops, i want him dead after i have my revenge on him I was shaking I was that mad.

Jimmy's pro

I felt for jamie he gave up the love of his life thinking she would be safer he was a different bloke when he had her and to now see a video of her been taken and tired to a chair I new this was going to make him lose it she's his girl his world, 

I'm going over to Sarah's to take her for a drive I have to tell her she's on about ringing ellies mum we was in the car for 5 mins I pull over in a lay by I need to tell you something! go on she says, i love you so much, i love you to, i start to tell her everything me and jamie are in a gang he's the leader and ellie has been kidnapped jamie only ended things to keep her safe he loves her she made me take her to jamie she couldn't even look at me she was just trying to help i knew then this was all over she wasn't going to be mine.

Sarah's pro 

I'm at jamies gang house I just want my best friend back and we are leaving I can't believe Jimmy our full relationship was a lie I can't even look at him he's not the same person I fell in love with I don't know him, jamie put a video up of Ellie been attack I was crying my best friend they are going to kill her Jimmy came to hold me it's ok we will get her back, none of this is ok i walk off.

Jamies pro 

It's been a week since Ellie was taken I was going out of my mind  I didn't know if she was still alive but I had to think she was Jimmy came in we have a lead on a wear house ok let's go  we was out side the warehouse I had all my men around it we saw the gang leader of London wa!k in the warehouse so this must be it I told my men I want every one of them dead.

Ellies pro

I don't know what day or time it is I gave up on jamie finding me I've been hit kicked punched and the leader put his name in my leg with a knife  but that's it nothing sexual thank God well up to now, then all of a sudden they was shouting and gunshots going off it was going on for what felt like hours then the door flew open jamie came in saw me ran to me untied me thank God baby girl lets get you out of here he says picking me up he carried me out the door and told me to close my eyes I'did as he told me I knew I wouldn't like what was on the floor jamie got to the car he sat in the back with me on his knee I didn't move I felt numb all he kept saying was sorry and he loves me over and over the car pulls up to a house jamie walks in to Sarah running at me thank god thank god are you ok i still didn't say anything i wanted to go home jamie carried  me to a bedroom with a shower they Is clothes on the bed do you want me to help you in the shower i shuck  my head no i didn't want anyone to see me ok he put me down on a chair in the bathroom and left saying he will come back.

I got in the shower my legs were shaking it's been over a week since I used them I washed my body 20 times I felt so dirty my hair was so bad I kept washing it to try get the blood  out my leg said London gang on it I just sat at the bottom of the shower  crying why me is all i kept saying.

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