i love you ellie

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Ellies pro

Hey what's your plan your due soon you said back when you ended it with jamie it was just so you didn't lose the baby that can't be the reason now, no I'm just scared I've left it to long now, no you haven't but if you have this baby and jamie doesn't know then it might be a different story your 2 weeks of having this baby you could go into labour now it's your last day at work he needs to know, I know he does what if he hates me I've lied to so many people paul, ok well answer this would you do it all again to save your unborn child do you still believe the reasons why  you did it? yes I do and yes I would, well then explain that, I nod I finish all my work I can't believe that's it I gave my notice in I told them I needed to take time of for health reasons.

I was home just looking at my phone i knew what paul was saying was right I only had 2 weeks left if I go into labour before telling jamie they is no going back for us I'm not sure they is a way back but I don't want to close that door just yet I read all the texts of jamie begging me to think again and he loves me, I put hey jamie it's ellie can we talk? xx I was walking up and down my apartment till my phone was ringing hey, hi are you ok are you hurt? yes im well are you? im just working, sorry do you want to call me back later?  no it's ok its good to hear your voice what's up? I was hoping we could meet I need to talk to you, why what's up? I can't say over the phone can you come over tomorrow? yes ok see you tomorrow, bye jamie, bye ellie, I was getting ready for bed as I hear knocking on the door I look through the peep hole hang on shit I grab my huddy and put it on before I open the door to jamie hey what you doing here so soon? he walks past me saying if you want a devose just say it and get it over with, why would I want a devose? well isn't that what people do after spliting up? I'm not sure I've never ended things before, when did you stop loving me ellie?  I didn't so what did I do so wrong you walked away from me?  i needed to pertect myself, from me? yes, why I wouldn't hurt you, but every time you walked away you did I just couldn't risk it, so you ended it ellie it doesn't make sence ok this might I take my huddy off jamie couldn't take his eyes of my belly, please say somthing, your pregnant you ended it because you found out your pregnant? I couldn't risk it you walking away thinking you was saving me and the child and I end up back in hospital or worse losing our baby, why would you think that? because that's what you do every single time, hey please don't cry I'm so sorry I made you feel like you had to do this I'm a horrible person, no your not I just didn't want to lose the baby I was ment to tell you weeks ago it just got harder the longer it got, who knows?  just paul, so tyler didn't know?  no he's not happy with me at the moment, we will sort it out together I'm going to be a dad do you know what it is!  no I didn't find out when are you due? 2 weeks, wow do you need anything?  everything I've left work for good, good you need rest we will go get everything tomorrow together, do you hate me? ellie I love you I could never hate you I understand why you felt you had to do this.
We spoke for abit till I said I'm ready for bed and jamie saying yer I better go I didn't stop him I think it was for the best its been a long night,

Good morning are you ready to go?  yes just let me grab my bag, I made a list wow you've been a busy boy and I told jimmy, does he hate me no he said he gets why you did it and reminded me that he saw you at your worse after me dumping you oh and he's doing you a party, a party? yes a baby shower kind off where we tell everyone what am I going to say as why i didn't tell people? well WE could say cos it's none of there bissness, jamie ok fine we say we found out late and just wanted to keep it to us me been in a gang kind off helps with that, I just smiled people are going to hate me hey don't get upset just think about our baby we got to mother care jamie was like a kid in a candy shop I picked the pram he picked the rest we only got 6 vests and 6 sleep suits I wanted pick or blue so we will have to wait jamie got his men to take it back to my apartment hey you need to let me pay for some things why your my wife its my baby to and my money is yours so it doesn't matter who pays  I knew this was a fight I won't win. As soon as we got back I say  I'm going to go for a lay down, ok baby girl I will make you a brew, thank you,
I woke up abit later to my brew cold and the apartment empty I had a text of jamie baby girl I didn't wanna wake you up look in the nursery I will see you soon xxxx

It was the next day and jamie came to pick me up it was the day of the baby shower well when I have to explain why I haven't told my freinds and family I'm due in less than 2 weeks hey come here I've got you the only thing that matters is the baby right, yes he was right the baby I guess I just needed to hear it again we walk in to our friends and family I will speck, its ok no no I need to do this hey guys thank you for coming it means the world to me us that you are I have spent the last 24 hours coming up with an excuse to say as why I ghosted you all for the last 4 months I found out I was pregnant and couldn't shake the idea out my head if I didn't pertect my self I would lose it due to stress I'm sorry you all deserve to know so you are all going to be aunties uncles grandparents in less than 2 weeks I'm so sorry tyler walked out so did jamies mum my parents on the other hand was great hey come here im so sorry its ok I know you had your reasons and as least we don't have to wait long to meet the little one,
Hey little lady you ok jimmy says wrapping his arms around me I'm sorry I should of told you all sooner no you shouldn't its noone eles bissness and we get it me and sarah saw what jamie did to you time after time he's right ellie I hug Sarah thank you guys so much its ok I just want my bestie back, me two I've missed you I better get going I have a mess to clean up.

I knock on tylers door his husband opens it hey ellie he's in livingroom I'm just going to take Jack out thanks babe he will come round, I hope so,
Hey bestie I'm so sorry yes that's right bestie ellie I'm your bestfriend why didn't you tell me you must know I would have your back, yes of course I did, then why we have been through so much, I really wasn't thinking straight I just didn't wanna lose my baby, oh god please don't cry jamie will kill me I can't help it I need my bestie to be ok with me come here I better be godfather of course who eles, so now you stopped crying I want all the Goss jamie must of wanted to kill someone when you ended it he said all he could think of was it was pay back, no all I could see then I got 2 lines was me back in hospital losing the baby as he leaves me yet again I don't think he would of but that wouldn't of stoped you worrying about it waiting for it to happen did anyone know?  only paul and that's because he did the test I stayed abit in my bestfriends arms before saying I'm going to get home its late.

Jamies pro

Mum mum wait jamie why you not mad she was going to take your baby and run, no mum she wasn't its about time I told you what I put her through, ok fine go on? your not going to like it, I said go on, ok so the first time I ran away was then I didn't wanna tell her I was a gang leader and the London gang found out I was in love with her they kidnapped her because I left her on her own the things they did they branded her that's why she has the flower tattoo on her leg the second tired and fourth time I left her she had no say in it I did what I thought was best the last time I left her was when I got sent down I wouldn't speck to her she ended up in hospital she is lucky to be alive she moved away changed her name I got out and wanted her back you see I run I drop her then pick her back up when it suits me i do what i think is best all the time, so her doing this was to pertect herself because she was waiting for you to leave her, that poor girl jamie what have you done to her, I know mum this is all on me she saved our baby we didn't matter just the baby, she is already a fantastic mum I hope you can make it work son I really do I'm going to find and  hug my daughter inlaw.

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