Beach hut

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My bag is packed I jump in the shower I need to try make it up to Jamie he's been the perfect boyfriend im already as I text Sarah im ready she texts back saying Jamie is on his way for me sorry jimmy made me go with him I put my phone back in my bag without texting her back i was happy it will give us some time alone to talk i look up to see Jamie pull up in my drive he had a car full I get in the back as he had a girl in the front with him she was all over him and he didn't seem to mind they were 2 boys in the back one of them said arnt you bestfreinds with darren what you come for?  no im not im best friend's with Emma and Sarah wanted me to come i put my headphones in and look out the window it was the longest drive of my life i was getting mad seeing some girl all over my boyfreind i just kept looking out the window so I didnt have to look at them  a few hours later we get to the huts i get out the car and walk over to Sarah hey you ok no i feel sick im going to go for a walk im abit travel sick she nods i walk down to the sea and sit behind a rock so im not seen i wish i didn't come i knew not to let my self fall for jamie but oh no i knew better yer right why couldn't he just talk to me like a normal person I'm not playing games with him I'm done I'm out I should of never started this, i get my phone out i wanna go home but who can i ask i can't ask my mum emma is a no no im thinking for abit as it comes to me i could ask tyler he's in darrens gang but we have always got on i think he would keep my secert he's nothing like darren or chris, and I don't have a choice I just need to think of a good excuse as why I am here.

Hey tyler what you up toooo?

Hi ellie nothing much you xx

I need a big favour can you help?

Yes if I can what's up xx

I'm at north point beach huts and need to come home can you come for me on your own?

What are you doing there?

I will explain when you get here,

Ok but it's going to be about 11 when I get to you

That's fine thank you so much I owe you ten,

I'm on my way.

I walk back over to see them all around a fire Sarah and Jimmy was the only people to talk to me Jamie was to busy drinking and chatting up that girl she was kissing his neck as he was looking at me I'm not playing games with him i know I've been busy with school lately but I don't deserve this he hasn't said a word to me it's getting late I keep checking my phone i put it back in my bag as I here Ellie you ready i look up to Tyler looking around at everyone I smile and shout yes i get up grab my bag  and say to Sarah im sorry but no way am I staying here. i walk up to tyler and hug him thank you so much for coming for me your welcome let's get out of here i nod and walk to his car putting my bag in his boot I get in his car tyler drives of as he looks at me what on earth was that all about, sarah wanted me to go away with her I didn't know the others was going and they are really nasty I didn't have anyone else to ask im sorry, hey hey  its ok your safe now im just glad your ok.

I spent the rest of the weekend in my room watching Netflix I made sure my window was shut not like he will come I guess that's Jamie's way of saying im done with you I can't believe I fell for all the shit he said what a dickhead I am I bet he was laughing at me thinking this is easy, I just told my mum I felt sick so Tyler came for me she believed me as I've been in bed all weekend to anyone that didnt know I just got my heart broken you would think I was sick.

Jamies pro

What the fuck man Jimmy says when he gets me on my own what you playing at you must know you have lost her don't you. well she's been weird for weeks i was trying to show her what's she's been missing, she has been revising for the exams and still helping you might I add you had everything you wanted and let it go he says as he was walking back to Sarah I knew he was right I knew the second she got Tyler to pick her up I fucked up I so wanted to hit him and tell him he's not talking her but all i could do was watch her walk away I could see Sarah keep looking at her phone she must of texted Ellie but got nothing back I said i was going to bed and that tramp said i will come with you all I said was no you won't.

Ellies pov

It was late Sunday night when I texted Sarah back just saying I was ok and see you at school I got loads of Jamie saying he was sorry and fucked up i never sent a message back im done with him Monday morning came I felt like shit I went down stairs and asked mum if I could stay home she took one look at me and said yes back to bed shall I ring the doctor no its ok I just need to sleep it of, ok take some water with you I will ring school thanks mum i got back into bed i was been a chicken i didn't want to face the shit that was about to happen at school I texted Emma saying I was not coming in today and went back to sleep i woke up after dinner to texts first sarah r u ok r u not coming to school i text back saying no not well one of emma saying ok hope you feel better soon and one of tyler asking if i was ok I put back yer just feel shit then a load of Jamie I didn't even bother to open them i got up got a shower brushed my teeth changed into clean PJs and got some school work done. I was sat eating tea with my parents you feeling better dad asks me, yer loads better thanks the door bell goes mum gets up to get the door oh hi sarah come in i look up to sarah walking in the kitchen hey i got your notes from school, thanks i say as i smile at her mum im going to sit out side get some fresh air ok sweetie i go sit out front in the drive its dark out side which is good to hide my face.

Hey ellie im so sorry you have been a great friend to me you didn't deseve that please don't fall out with me I will dump Jimmy for you you mean more to me than him Sarah says all in one breath, I laugh don't be silly why would I fall out with you you and Jimmy did nothing wrong you to are perfect for each other, thank God she says hugging me, I need to tell you something she nods for me to continue me and Jamie was in a relationship we didn't tell anyone cos of Emma I kept saying no to him but ended up falling for him in the end he was the best boyfriend you could of wished for I really did think I was special he made me feel like I was the only girl in the world we didn't spend much time together the last few weeks but he was always in my bed when I woke up in the night that's why I came to the hut i wanted to make it up to him after the exams then for him to do what he was doing it broke my heart I couldn't stay at that point I was a crying mess I'm so sorry I couldn't stay   Sarah was holding me saying he was a dickhead and lost the best thing he will ever have. Im sorry i didn't tell you no it's ok I understand does Jimmy know I don't think so why?  it's just he had a right go at Jamie as you drove away has Jamie tried to get in touch with you, yer loads he says he's sorry i haven't texted him back im not ready to speck to him I should of listened to you and stayed away from him at least then I wouldn't be feeling like I do now im done with him.

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