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The next day I got ready for school I was still in my I feel sorry for my self mood I walk out the door to Emma Chris and Darren hey Ellie they say hi guys you look like shit Emma says thank you best friend, your welcome, im at my locker as Darren comes up to me hey Ellie if you want me to make you feel better I know how to make you feel great just come to my bedroom Later after school and I will run my tongue up your... And that's all we got before Darren was on the floor and Jamie was on top of him punch after punch Darren got a few in but Jamie wouldn't stop  I was just froze watching till the teachers got in the middle of it they was lucky that the head just gave them detention as both of them had big games coming up. I was sat in the dinner hall as Darren was talking to Chris about the fight what was it all about Chris asked darren God know he doesn't need a reason he's not right in the head, i was looking over at Jamie he didnt take his eyes of me he had a black eye but nothing like Darren's face then I got a text of jamie bathroom now  I look up to no Jamie any more I get up im going to the bathroom not that anyone was looking at me, i walk into the bathroom to Jamie locking the door hey are you ok I say, am I ok no ellie im not ok i can't stand him talking to you like he did he was going on and on about loving me can't lose me he's so sorry he won't do anything stupid again he had me pinned to the bathroom wall i moved my head so my lips was near his ear so kiss me and shut up thats all it took for him and me to be making out in the bathroom  till they was a bang on the door we pull away  he looks into my eyes i love you ellie they was another bang on the door before i got to say out jamie went to hide at the end i open the door sorry i wasn't feeling well i walk out and into my next lesson, the rest of the day went by fast i didnt see jamie the rest of the day i was walking  out of school as i was dragged in a empty class room i missed you since dinner jamie says with his arms around me i smile up at him can we go for a drive tonight i wanna spend time with you,  yes text me after tea ok he kisses me on the lips and leaves. 

I'm sat eating tea with my parents my dad says you look better than yesterday you ok now yes dad im going out later with friends I won't be late its ok sweetheart you have your keys, this weekend me and your mum have to go away so you will be on your own will you be ok yes of course I will be im nearly 18 I will be fine don't worry dad.

 Im getting ready for my night with Jamie im going to show him what he's been missing i put on sexy underwear a dress that bottoms all the way down im walking down the street Jamie text me 5 mins ago to say he was here I got into his car hey baby girl i missed him calling me that we drive for a bit I start to kiss his neck I missed you bad boy his hand was on my leg i missed you to he pulls up to the beach lets go for a walk we walk and talk then sit down on the sand I start to kiss him again get on top of him we are making out as I lay down and pull him on me he's running his hand up and down my leg I pull his shirt  over his head he's unbuttoning my dress im  moaning his name  wow ur stunning baby I could feel him agaist me i missed him so much just as we was getting  lost in the moment we here hey  guys fancy seeing you here as we got up on our feet buttoning my dress up  jimmy and sarah was smiling at us Jamie was not happy i was not happy we sat about talking for a bit then jamie took me home im sorry about tonight will it always be like this hiding from everyone i say, well i would tell the world your my girl lets go tell everyone now,  i just smile kiss him and get out the car. Im sat on my bed i hate Jimmy but would I really want my first time with Jamie on a beach hell yes the waves was romantic my phone went off  hey baby girl just wanted to say night I loved our time together im going to kill Jimmy xxxx I text back saying I will help xxx the rest of the week went by fast it was soon Friday night and I was saying bye to my parents, i walk back into the house Sarah is coming over for a sleepover she comes over with beer and music let the party start the parents have gone,  I laugh put the music on and start drinking a few hours later we are so drunk we think its a good idea to go take a walk to Jimmy's  Sarah wants to tell him how much she loves him we walk in or should i say fall in jimmy comes to pick Sarah up im going to take her to bed to sleep it off he says.., jamie comes up to me hey you are you drunk we was in a room full of people but that didnt stop me from putting my arms around him telling him i wanted him ok ellie lets get you out of here you  must be so drunk he takes me home tucks me in bed please stay with me ok he gets in bed cuddling  me love you baby girl i love you to.

The next morning I get up to a massive hangover where is Sarah, you mean you don't know I look at Jamie as he says well you and Sarah came over drunk she ended up going to bed with Jimmy and you told me you wanted me in front of everyone, Im so sorry don't be I don't care but I got you out the house as soon as I could to save you, thanks babe.

I spent the rest of the day on the sofa I felt shit Jamie came over,  go get a shower, first take these im going to order a pizza, im just getting out the shower as the pizza comes hey baby girl you feeling better he asks, yes I am thanks we eat then start watching a film. I must of fell asleep at some point as I woke up in my bed with Jamie I like him been in my bed cuddling me we got ready for the day he made me breakfast, wow you can cook, don't be surprised I've been cooking years, we spend the day on my sofa watching films we was cuddling and kissing then at tea-time he left as my parents would be back soon I got all cleaned up just as they walked in, hey guys you had a good weekend yes it was great how was yours my mum asks me, nothing really just spent it watching films Sarah slept Friday night thats it.

I was sat in my room doing some home work as my phone went off it was a text of Jamie   hey baby girl I loved our weekend see you soon love you xxxxx

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