Was her decision correct?

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Prava caught the Barddhaman local. With her, she carried a dress and a pair of shalwar kameez. Also, she took some chapatis and curry to sustain her until she could find her relative. She caught the train with a tiny backpack containing these items. Bardhaman to Kolkata is a two-hour ride. She entered the women's compartment with a 20-rupee ticket in hand. The compartment was packed. Prava squeezed anyway.

She heard a woman's voice suddenly. "Why are you standing, little girl? There's a seat beside me! Come on!"
She turned to see a good-looking middle-aged woman with a high hair bun and black-framed eyeglasses. Again, she pointed to the seat next to her. 

Prava accepted it with a smile. The seat was by the window. Summer sunshine prevented anyone from occupying it. In India, summer is like a monstrous creature that hugs you and slowly kills you. Prava, however, did not like to complain about the summer heat. It was a pleasure for her to sit at the window. She looked out at the view while gently covering her head with a piece of cloth (orna). 

Alas! It was nothing new! It's the same green and yellow fields and dry trees everywhere. The excitement she felt had worn off. In the meantime, she took a short power nap, since she had no idea what she would do when she reached Kolkata.
Floating in sleepiness, she listened to the rhythm of the train, Jhuk Jhuk Jhuk Jhuk, Jhuk, Jhuk, Jhuk, Jhuk.

She dreamed about the city while sleeping. She dreamed of the city's high houses, bookstores, and more. Having heard her grandpa's tales of Kolkata, she imagined that city a lot. In her dream, a hand reached out to her and took her hand in the unknown city.

"Wait! I actually feel a human hand!" she exclaimed as she awoke. She was woken up by the woman beside her. 

"Would you like a bite to eat?"

The offer was rejected by Prava. She looked out the window. Wow! The views have changed! The atmosphere was almost urban. It's changing! There is a change in the environment! Prava suddenly became very excited. Then she again tried to think. Will the change turn out to be a good one? 

Was it a good change after all?
What do you people think? Was she correct in deciding to fulfil her dream to study further, alone? 

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