Finally, a home!

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Prava woke up. She looked around. Then she remembered where she was. She remembered she was lost. Remembering, she became frightened, frustrated as well. Once again, she was alone. Maya came to help her, and she vanished!

Her eyes had closed as she sat under the shed, lost in sleep. Here she was now, sitting awkwardly between many people. People in these old Calcutta places were very caring and always were concerned about their neighbours. The sight of a young girl sitting on a road without being noticed all evening was impossible. Their concern for her was overwhelming! She suddenly gained the courage to speak out in the clamour of questions.

"I am Hridoy Jana's niece. He lives at this address, in Gariahat. And I think he is a mason. Do you know him?"

"Yes! I do!" cried out  a young man (aged twenty-two or twenty-three?). Although I'm uncertain if that Hridoy is your uncle or not."

"Well, can you bring him here?" Prava is in disbelief at the young man's clumsy and "don't care-ish" looks.

"Of course. But what is your name?" he asks. "How can I make him understand that you are his niece?" "Alright. What is your name?" he asks.

Please tell him that Prava wants to meet him. Please also tell him that my mother's name is Mala."

He goes in search of Hridoy Jana. Prava thinks it is impossible to find out, since he may be working anywhere right now.

It might seem to us that "Prava is having an easy time! No matter where she goes, she has helpers!" However, it is not as simple as that. Put yourself in her shoes. Consider her mental strength. Consider the courage she gained before coming to Kolkata. No, it isn't easy. Therefore, you should judge her fairly.

Prava is waiting for her uncle right now. She is as nervous as everyone around her. She stresses her shoulders by looking up. For the first time, she notices the city sky. Just five minutes ago, sunset occurred, and it is still breath-takingly beautiful. The color is pink and violet mixed gently with dark red. Prava is able to figure it out. A distracted laugh escapes her lips.

She becomes serious as she sees her uncle approaching. Her only memory of him is from his wedding. He may remember her or not, so let's find out. Her wait is long. Then she hears her uncle crying out, "Prava! You've finally come? After so many days! Your ma called me a few days ago and I totally forgot the date. So sorry!"

"That's okay, mama, no need to apologize! I am here and I intend to stay for a bit!" Prava exclaimed.

The smile on Uncle's face faded. "I'm glad to hear that Prava. But, you know, I'm poor, so I can't do anything if you face any problems with your studies or get less food. Sorry. Oh, and I am so jealous that you are going to study history. That is my favorite subject and my father forbade me from studying it. But I'm so glad you are! Enjoy your time here, Prava!" Uncle becomes joyful again!"

Prava smiles happily. You? 

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