Story time!

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"Sir, there was only a Zamindar called Nabinchandra or something in Sei Somoy!"

"Yes, Nabinchandra and Kaliprasanna Sinha are the same. If you check carefully, you will get many similarities between those two. Okay, now listen to the story."

"Oh, okay Sir."

Uday Sir continues, "There was a story about him. There was a rumour that he had a tiki museum. Brahmins kept a single lock of hair called tiki at the back of their bald head. Brahmins were frightened of him. The story spread from the city to the villages and to other parts of India. As a group of people became curious about the museum, the truth behind this story was revealed. A Brahmin received a cow from Kaliprasanna Sinha one day. When the Brahmin returned home, he sold the cow to a butcher. When Kaliprasanna heard that, he was furious and with a pair of scissors, he cut off the Brahmin's tiki. It was from this that the story grew."

"Woah" came out from Prava's mouth.

"Haha! Prava, you're new to this city, so keep this in mind. The people of Kolkata love to gossip and reading books. This often leads us to make stories about people and spread those everywhere. It is better not to believe anything someone tells you, like that your friend has been kidnapped or has failed an exam. Often, the truth is quite different!"

"Okay sir, I will remember! What a dangerous habit! I see everyone in this city is always making jokes! That's why it is called the City of Joy I guess."

"We teachers also enjoy cracking jokes! Oh, let me tell you a funny story. When I was studying history at the Presidency College, I heard some stories about a great Bengali teacher, Ramchandra Mitra. During a lesson, a student asked him how he should write a composition on nature. His student was instructed to use some long and deep words, such as 'soothing zephyr'. However, what if he forgets the spelling? Therefore, Ramchandra added that he can also use 'cool wind'! It does not matter. Then he laughed at his joke. There are so many stories about him."

"Sir! You were telling something about the Babus! We use the term Babu even now!" cries out a girl in plain red top and jeans.

(Oh, as you may not know, let me tell you. We Bengalis use the term Babu to mention anyone respectable. Like My father met Dinesh Babu yesterday. This term is used for teachers too.)

"Oh yes," Uday Sir continues. Sudarshini, don't get too excited! I will tell you everything. So a group of aristocrats of the 19th century, or middle-class people acting as aristocrats, were called Babus. Their only difference was their faces. They had similar characteristics! They talked in the same manner. Their tastes were the same, entertainments were the same, wishes were the same. They were able to speak Persian very quickly, but English very slowly. The evenings were spent playing the Esraj, Sitar, Veena, and listening to Bengali Kavi Gans and Panchalis (poetic hymns or stories told in songs). They had curly, long hair and wore black dhotis and benians. "They kept a small moustache like wings of a bee.".

The class bell rings, and Prava scrambles from her seat. The next class begins soon. She pulls out her books. A girl in red top suddenly approaches her. Then she introduces herself.

"Hello! I am Sudarshini Mitra. What is your full name?"

"My name is Prava Roy. Glad to meet you! Where do you live?"

"Umm, I live near Patuli. Do you know that place? Most probably not."

"Hmm, no. Well, I wish to know all the places in Kolkata here."

"You can't. It is a very big city, and you can't find its end! By the way, whom do you have in your house?"

Prava replies, "My mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. I don't have a brother or sister."

"Cool! I don't have either! It's okay!"

"Yeah. And what about you?"

Sudarshini replies, "I live with my father and mother only. I am the only child of my wealthy parents, and I am not spoilt! Isn't it a miracle?"

They both laugh heartily at the little joke. Oh! Here the teacher comes!

Prava is returning home, feeling quite excited. College was fun today, and after returning home, Mama will take her to explore the city! What a great time! The shop is closed today since it is Thursday. Her first day of work will be tomorrow.

"I can't wait to explore the city!" She smiles once again when she thinks of it. 

We will again meet her when she is exploring the city. Do vote and comment if you like it!

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